I Love To Camp out ... ...

I Love To Camp out ... ...

I love to camp out!

Outside of the tent, the ground, the bugs, no television and not being inside, I love everything that there is about camping out.

In Joshua 3:1, God’s people were, “camped” out on the bank of the Jordan River. Crossing that river would have been a piece of cake under normal circumstances because the Jordan River was and is only 100 feet wide from shore to shore where the Israelites wanted to cross. However, God led the Nation of Israel to the Jordan River at the time of the harvest (Verse 15). During the harvest, the Jordan River swelled and still swells to an impassable width of over one mile from shore to shore with a raging current of 40 miles an hour.

Here is the truth! God had purposefully led the Nation of Israel to the Jordan River at harvest time to remind them that The Promised Land was not attainable without His intervention and that they needed to trust in Him … the one true God.

As we make plans for the last three months of this calendar year, challenges will arise.

Individually and corporately, we will stand at the banks of our own Jordan River and it will seem like harvest time. Oh sure! The Promised Land can be seen in our binoculars, but the distance from shore to shore will appear to be overwhelming. Folks, in those moments, we must remember that God specializes in things thought impossible. I truly believe that there are those times, when God will purposefully direct us into spots where things will seem hopeless unless He gets involved. Why? Because it gives Him a chance to once again remind us that He can be trusted.

Whether it is family, finances, friends or the future … God is greater! I do not care if it is the harvest time or not. Let the current flow baby! God has us positioned right where we are for a reason and the reason is this. He wants to give us a fresh testimony to tell about how He did for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Could it be that God wants to take the “piece of cake” situations of our lives and turn them into “we must have faith” situations so that no man, no church, and no family can boast, but instead, all of the glory will go to God?

Joyce Conway

Prayer Warrior & Music Ministry Full Gospel A M E Zion Church Detroit Michigan

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