If I was looking to get promoted, I would focus on - PIE!

If I was looking to get promoted, I would focus on - PIE!

I remember the day my manager told me I had been promoted to Vice President.

I had worked for a long time on doing good work.

That's not enough.

Sometimes, it's easy to think:

"If I take on more and more work I'll get promoted."

This isn't always the case.

You'll risk burnout.



This isn't bad.

No emotion is.

Emotions are information.

Information that something must change.

An invitation for you to do something different.

As Marshall Goldsmith says:

"What got you here won't get you there."

There's a new set of behaviours you must adopt if you are to move in your career.

Otherwise you're like a ship with it's anchor trawling along the ground:

Determined to move forward but it won't get far very quickly if you don't release the brakes!

It's not enough to do more and more work.

When I heard the PIE model, I understood I had done more than just do good work.

Harvey J Coleman wrote about the PIE theory in his book: Empowering Yourself, The Organizational Game Revealed.

P.I.E. stands for:

  • Performance: How well do you do your job?
  • Image: What are you known for, what is your reputation?
  • Exposure: Who has seen you in action, who has heard your voice?

The PIE model encouraged me to think about:

Do good work.

At a higher level.

With the right people.

People that knew my work was good.

I made sure to enjoy the work I was doing too.

Otherwise, you won't have the energy to keep going.

PIE can help you target your energy.

Direct your attention.

Manage your time.

What got you here won't get you there.

What might you stop doing so there's room for the future?

PIE might just help you remove the brakes.

I hope it helps you!

What did I miss?

The picture is from a talk I did last year for a group of men who go to Fit House gym in Belfast. We talked about how managing yourself through change includes recovery, doing things that recharge your energy and spending time letting stuff go from the past so there's room for the future.


