I looked for a dead friend today.
A 37x Better Life

I looked for a dead friend today.

He was in his 30’s when he was diagnosed with cancer. ?

We didn’t grow up together, or worked together.? We simply met in the course of work, and exchanged a few messages here and there.? Probably less than 20 strings of text over 3 - 4 years. ?

Then he got diagnosed, and shared it on Facebook.

So we texted a fair bit more.?

He was an acquaintance who became a friend, because I hoped to encourage him during those very trying months of chemotherapy.?

He handled his illness and suffering admirably.? I could relate to him because we were doing the same thing.? We were building tech / product-driven companies. ?

We talked about doing coffee.? But we never did.? It was all text.

Then he passed away a couple of years after diagnosis.

Once in a while, I look him up again on Facebook.

While I hoped to encourage him… he encouraged and inspired me.? He reminded me to live in a manner so that I can die without regret if death comes knocking on the door early.

And I always forget that reminder.? Or rather — I take it too lightly.? Sometimes there’re just so many exciting things to do… especially at work. ?

So, every once in a while, I look for that friend.? We don’t talk.? We can’t.? He’s not here.? But he’s not really gone.

You know what I just did? ?

I added the day of his burial on my calendar.? It’ll remind me every year — of the lesson that he taught me. ?

I wish we were better friends when he was alive.? From the stories told by the friends and family he left behind… he was a great guy.?

I’ll revisit our conversations every year.?

I can no longer do anything for him.? But this way I allow him to do something important for me.? And I am grateful for that.


