I listened to 100 random calls...
I listened to 100 random calls from our call center and listened to what our real estate agents were saying to potential buyers and sellers.
Guess the percentage of people that actually asked for the appointment and used the scripts we give them and also train on is?
Buckle up.
I’ll share with you the stat in a bit.
But this number had me set a new kpi where we are reviewing 50 calls per week from our agents and dropping them in their slack channels.
Why are we doing this?
Why does an ISA company care this much?
Well because when you hear this percentage you’ll be like— ok that makes sense.
If you run a real estate team this post is for you…
If you are a single agent planning on hiring an ISA…
This post is also for you.
Team leads - You need to record and listen to your teams sales calls — or you need someone that is auditing them on your team. You should do this now even if you don’t have an ISA — because whether you hire in house or hire us… your agents will still be the bottleneck to conversion.
Single agents - you need to listen to your calls and record them to hear what you sound like because you are the bottleneck to conversion.
It might not be what you want to hear.
But it’s the truth.
I remember my first podcast and the interview questions I would ask. It was horrendous.
I wasn’t asking great questions.
I didn’t really prep.
I didn’t have great flow.
But i listened back and I got better.
If you’re not listening to your calls back and practicing.
You’re most likely in the same boat.
“I’m gonna wait for interest rates to drop”
“I’m gonna wait it out”
“We are just browsing”
“We are waiting to see what the election does”
Our responses are crazy to me
“Okay I’ll set you up on a drip and whenever you’re ready reach out”
Guys they ain’t reaching out.
They are on 22 other drips.
Who’s gonna win the drip game?
Not you.
Want to win in 2024?
It’s not sexy but you need to practice, review your game tapes and role-play.
Stop practicing on clients.
It’s become clear to me — Agents need coaching and accountability.
This goes for ISA’s too.
You can give them the script.
But unless you’re reviewing their calls… they’re gonna revert back to what is comfortable.
This happens in life and business.
We like what is comfortable.
But comfortable doesn’t always drive the results we are looking for.
Coming back to the stat
Here it is.
Out of 100 calls.
Only 8% of the agents asked for the appointment.
Many of these people wanted info on their home value, many were pre-approved and many of them had 2-6 month timelines.
And what did these agents do?
They set them up on a search.
I show our agents exactly how to ask for a meeting in our 7 figure appt playbook.
Right now we have added a ton of additional training with Vikram Deol to help them convert more.
Because the agents that have team leads reviewing their calls are generating 3-5 additional deals every month through us.
That’s what you’re leaving on the table by not reviewing their calls.
It’s become abundantly clear that while our inside sales agents don’t always get it right - we coach them and review their calls.
But… It’s rarely an isa issue.
It’s very often the agent doesn’t know what to say on the phone.
I recorded 40 minute training video on how to effectively use our 7 figure appointment playbook... Which has top performing teams convert 40 - 70% of their transfers to in person meetings. If you want a copy go here - https://sheridanst.io/playbook
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to the next level... here are a few ways we can help!
1. START YOUR SHERIDAN ST. FREE TRIAL: Get 3 Buyer/Seller Appointments For Free:?https://sheridanst.io/trial?
2. FREE PROFITABLE ADS TRAINING: Learn more about how top performing agents and teams run ads in order to generate leads that convert into deals faster: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-leads
3. FREE 7 FIGURE APPOINTMENT PLAYBOOK: Learn what top producers are saying in order to convert more online leads to clients:?https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-playbook?
4. FIND OUT HOW MUCH MONEY IS IN YOUR DATABASE: Use The Sheridan St. Calculator to see how much money in commissions is currently sitting in your database based of industry stats: https://sheridanst.io/hiddenmoney?
5. GET BOOKED APPOINTMENTS, LIVE TRANSFERS & IN PERSON SHOWINGS: Learn about how top performing teams and agents are implementing our Dedicated Appointment Engine in order to experience massive growth in their businesses: https://sheridanst.io/book-now?
6. SEE WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT SHERIDAN ST.: Learn about what our clients say and how the program drives real results: https://sheridanst.io/?
7. ACCESS UNICORN VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS (ADMIN, TC ETC) - https://assistantly.grsm.io/huc4pcoi4yd4
8. BECOME A SHERIDAN ST. AFFILIATE: Earn 10% of The Monthly Recurring Revenue We Collect on Active Subscriptions: https://sheridanst.io/affiliate-join?
9. GET SHARRAN AND CODY'S 7 FIGURE LEAD AND CLIENT FRAMEWORK PROGRAM: Find out how top producers are generating leads and converting them into deals on autopilot: ?https://sheridanst.io/framework-checkout?
10. ONLY PAY PER CLOSING WITH SOLD.COM:?If you are in the United States join sold.com's referral network and only pay when the deal closes: https://agents.sold.com/promo/sheridan?