"I Like This Stuff. I Really Get it."
OMG! Look and listen ...and be very, very afraid ...
This is the President of the United States of America ...‘President Goldfinger’, waxing intellectual about the Coronavirus at a recent press conference at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) in Atlanta. Trump is flanked by Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar; Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety, Steve Monroe; and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director, Dr. Robert Redfield. Just take a look at their bemused yet concerned professional game faces as Trump mindlessly, bizarrely, raves on ...
(There’s an ad at the beginning of the video clip. Sorry, I couldn’t delete it, but it’s worth the trouble to view Trump at his megalomaniac best ...worst ...whatever ...)
Trump, both publicly and politically called Washington State Governor Jay Inslee a “snake” in the middle of one of Inslee’s and Washington’s worst crises because Inslee criticized Trump for his personal lack of empathy and unresponsiveness. Washington has suffered the most infections and deaths so far in the U.S. from the Coronavirus.
Trump demonstrated a further gross lack of even a remedial concern. He had the temerity to tell the press that he told California Governor Gavin Newsom that the 3,500 passengers stuck on a cruise ship anchored off the coast of California should remain on the ship so they would not count against the total number of victims in the United States. Trump said, “I don’t need to have numbers double because of the people on that ship.” The implication being that it would make him look bad.
Just for reference and juxtaposition, take a look at this video clip of President Obama addressing the press regarding the Ebola outbreak crisis in 2014 ...
Hopefully, you can see the difference in demeanor, style, content, context ...and intellect. This is a serious president.
The ultimate grimness of the current Coronavirus outbreak will be realized soon. For some, its victims, it won’t get any more grim. For the scientists and medical experts it’s been a nightmare. For the politicians and the media it’s been a field day. The “sex appeal” of the outbreak, that being its stealth and mystery, it’s out-of-control nature and not having any answers yet, will ‘separate the men from the boys’ regarding how it was handled and who will be remembered. There will be heros and there will be villains. There will be a jackass. Its impact and closure will be measured against other national and global crises.
Trump’s, aka ‘Goldfinger’s’ false claims, political maneuvering, personal insults and his insecurities ...his braggadocio and his outright lies will all catch up with him ...some day. His psychological problems and mental illness have already caught up with the rest of us, and unfortunately, with America.
Personally, I am tired of criticizing Donald Trump. I do it now only as an act of patriotism and concern for my country. From a sense of duty. Trump is who and what he is, and always will be. He has not, as all of us had hoped, grown into the job. He’s grown away from it, and more into himself disguised as our national hero. To me, however, he’s the international villain and 007 James Bond’s archenemy, Auric Goldfinger. He looks like Goldfinger, acts like him, and yes, he loves only gold! Goldfinger may have been smarter, however. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzWvFcOVQAAMbFJ.jpg
You can decide for yourself who, ultimately, will be the jackass. As an American, you can make your decision count in November.
Listen to this Trump bit again. It’s simply stunning in its absurdity ...
...and, just for reference and juxtaposition again, here’s another American President who took his job seriously ...
John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah
Some past articles and op-eds