I like to gamble.
Shannon Jean
Founder of 10 businesses, 4 sold. Auctions, Liquidations, and more unconventional ways to build wealth. Making money can and should be fun. Follow to learn how.
More in business than at the Casino.
But I have been known to enjoy some time at the Craps Table.
Whenever I play Craps, my wife comes by on a regular basis and Sweeps the Pot.
What is Sweeping the Pot?
I invented this term to describe what happens at the Craps Table and in our businesses.
Here’s how it works.
I would be having a great time with friends, whooping it up while playing Craps, and Renee would occasionally slip her hand under my arm and palm a few chips.
At first, I thought she wanted the money to go gamble herself. But I had it entirely backward.
She would sweep every once in a while until, at some point, her sweep matched my initial investment.
Then she would tell me to have fun, go nuts, and bet all I wanted while she walked over to the cashier and got our money back into her hands.
This was a trick!
And it was a building wealth trick.
I soon noticed that she would do something similar with our businesses.
Now and then, she would remind me not to leave all my chips on the table and to do a sweep to get back some of our investment.
This was tough for me. As a radical optimist, I always wanted to be all-in and invest every penny back into the business. What could go wrong!?
But things can and do go wrong.
Even though I have always been good at making money, building wealth requires some added skills that my wife grasped earlier than I did.
Those sweeps from our businesses became the exponential force that created the life we lead today.
Yes, we have had some great deals and good exits – but those are few and far between.
Just like you grind each day to build success, those small sweeps build for you simultaneously.
The takeaway is you don’t have to be all in all the time.
The right spouse is a force multiplier. ??
Have a great week!
~ Shannon
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