I Told Them To Go Fcuck Themselves

I Told Them To Go Fcuck Themselves

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^ That's what I did this morning.

I've told 3 people already to get to fcuck.

And guess what?

They didn't like it.

And I don't blame them..

I wouldn't either.

But sometimes we need to stand our ground and ensure other people are clear on our boundaries.

You see being the 'nice guy' will only get you so far in life.

I've learned the hard way.

I've been that guy.

But you end up doing everything for everyone else..

And on top of it you invite people to treat you like dirt and disrespect you.

Other people get used to what they can get away with...

If you keep letting them..

There's only so much time and energy we have available.

We have our goals, we have our missions in life.

But if we allow ourselves to get distracted by others then we end up deviating away from our goals very easily.

And that's the fast path to misery.

So ye.. I'm not saying be a dick.

But make sure you are firm on what your boundaries are.

Hold yourself to a higher standard.

Value yourself.

Take pride in yourself.

Say NO to some things.

Say YES to other things.

Who cares what people will think..

I've been observing men who are at that Elite Level of production in their life and business..

Experts in the industry.

And they all have a few things in common..

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I mean, they care a lot about other people, they are EXPERTS and helping people, but they don't care about what people think.

Whether it's positive feedback or negative that they get..

It's irrelevant to them.

They're just clear on their mission and mind their own business

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They obviously workout, the watch their diet, they meditate, journal, have a structured schedule and plan their days well in advance

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They know who they are and what they want.

They work hard, they're committed.

They don't tolerate bullshit behaviour from anyone.

They have boundaries.

And are unafraid to express themselves and let you know when you're stepping over the line.

They know that they matter.

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And rightly so. I mean, you cannot blame anyone or anything else for your feelings, moods, situation in life... and expect to feel powerful.

You're going to be fighting an uphill battle every day that way.

Life is going to feel hard.

They know everything is a choice.

Including how they feel, how they show up and what they tolerate.

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They don't mess around dragging things on and 'thinking' about things.

They quickly gather the FACTS and the DATA and use those to make key decisions.

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They don't just TELL people to do things.

They lead through their own example.

They don't expect others to be at a higher standard than themselves..

They embody the standard.

For example they're not going to tell you to take care of yourself while they're not taking care of themselves..

They'd be a fcuking hypocrite if they did.

They wouldn't tell you to step up if they're not stepping up themselves..

Do as I do not as I say is their motto.

And that's why they are successful and operating at Elite Level.

So today.. do your future self and other a massive favour.

Don't be afraid to tell a few people to go fcuck themselves.

I did.

They didn't like it.

They hate me.

Who fcucking cares.

I have standards to be set, a mission to fulfil and 2 children who are watching.


Ps... My amazing girlfriend and kids made this for fathers day for me... I burst into tears when the kids handed this to me...

Made me burst full with pride and joy...

And reminded me that I need to get even better at VALUING myself more so they too can watch and grow up valuing themselves too.

The journey continues...

The work of Indestructible Men never ends.

Cristian Iannozzi

I Work With Successful Business Men Who Need Their Physique To Match Their Business Success.

2 年

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