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From Him come back baffled both words and mind. But he who realizes the joy of brahma is free from fear. ~ Taittiriya Upanishad ~

Is there a state of the ‘Uncreate’ and the ‘Unborn’? Till now, we do not know, but there is surely a 'point' from where our perception, thoughts and speech turn back, since we are incapable to decipher it, so we are inept to express it. We cannot know the unknowable, but can explore to know, the unknown cosmic mysteries, little by little.


When we cannot describe in words what is not accessible. Then how can the mind assess and words express it? That’s why we are left to assume and attribute reason to make our assumptions appear as valid, which is necessarily not the case. What is and what is not the ‘Absolute Truth’, we do not know, it doesn’t mean its negation but is a continuous quest to affirm it.

Once we realize that, we know that we do not know, then we are not afraid of anything. This is the school of sacred secret, suggesting us to move on. Therefore, the Bhagavat Gita says, “abandon all creeds and surrender to ME ~ ‘Me’ here is Krishna (representing cosmic consciousness), and ‘Me’ here is ‘You’ (individual consciousness) as well.

To know, what we long to know, and know what we already know, is within the preview of our personal understanding. We can know ‘Him’ ~ ‘Krishna’ or universal consciousness, only when, we know ourselves, as the center of human consciousness.

The state of consciousness is reached, when we surrender ‘I’, ‘Me’ or ‘Ego’, then our ignorance drops, like leaves, shed automatically, from the trees, in autumn. Then, we are left only with our breath or life-force or consciousness, in its pure form. In this ‘State of Being’, we attain the place, where the pious Krishna as universal consciousness dwells within us.

When we are hollow like a bamboo, then spiritual realities enter silently, in the empty space, as a gentle breeze, and not as unplugged and switchless wobbling words arising from the mind. Those who mediate are able to rise above the mind, intellect and logic, and stand steady, to stomach the unseen, the unheard, the unobserved, through the consciousness in continuum.

Narrating things observed and perceived by mind; we frame sentences with words that end with full stops. But, the unfathomable, the unspoken, the unsayable and the unseen is experienced thru overpowering spirit of consciousness, which is open-ended.

‘Consciousness’ and ‘Light’ can be compared. Both don’t shred into bits and pieces, they instantaneously appear and disappear, just like the lightning flashes.

Human body is a grouping of elements, death the reshuffling of elements, scattered to regroup again. We all are tied to the cord of consciousness, which makes us stand and move like a puppet, or by another similarity, we are just like fruits that appear and disappear, when seasons come and go. The body (fruit) dies but not the consciousness (seasons), it flows continuously in the river of life force, with no beginning and no end. Thus, we cannot make sense out of events that happen naturally and are beyond our control.

Body is a conformation of cells, which form bones, muscles, fluids, producing energy and heat etc. When body dissolves its constituents return back to its source, the earth, water, fire and air and ‘Breath’, ‘Life-force’, ‘Consciousness’ flies out of the body, like lightening breaks from a cloud.

Forms created by matter - energy disintegrate but consciousness does not perish. Therefore, consciousness the essence of our being is immortal. We believe this ineffaceable spirit transcends the death of the body.

What is this spirit? What is it that survives? What is that which is eternal? Science has made little headway in probing the 'afterlife' issue, so what we believe is just a collective acceptance, making us rely, on the immortality of consciousness. On karmic level what we do for ourselves dies with us, and what we do for others remains memorable for a long time.

‘Past’ has a solid grip over memory, so it’s hard for the mind to rid the past. Past seems to be all-in-one for the mind, because the presence of ‘Present’ is lesser and ‘Past’ is larger. Past even enters into ‘Future’, so in future, we tend to relive our past too. Our past should not make our future. We need to erase and drop our past, and be ready to face ‘Present’ and ‘Future’ as it comes. Therefore, we should free our mind from words, words create images, images are illusions, as consciousness is working behind, so bring it to fore, and live life fully conscious, in the 'here and now'. 

Brian is pre-programmed, so there are certain things, the brain cannot handle, and there is nothing we can do about it. Brain is the hardware, and mind the software, where mind goes, we go, and what mind creates is our call. 

So, the question ‘Who am I?’ is posed, to turn our attention inwardly, to discern that ‘I’ and ‘Me’ is just a mental concept, body is simply, a living organism, however, our mind and consciousness is beyond biological expression. Consciousness stays in attendance, when body is alive and when the body perishes.

Thoughts forge links with things. There is no producer or director of our thoughts, some thoughts manifest by the script of our genetic code, and some as receptors received by us, thru interstellar dynamics of universal consciousness, influencing a subtle cosmic effect on our body and mind, as masked magical miracle, to pull off the game well, even if, it gambles on life and death. 

We know that we know very little, because of our limitations as a human being, there is no way that leads us to know everything and become a know-all. Religions are belief systems, which create false knowledge and retard our thinking, with stupidity and lies. Truth lies hidden in the unrealized infinitude.

Therefore, Upanishads explain, infinity plus infinity is infinity. Infinity minus infinity is infinity. Infinity multiplied by infinity is infinity. Infinity divided by infinity is infinity. The source of our being is infinity, and we are a part of the infinite. Therefore, we too are infinite.

Is reality based on mathematical principles or on logical reasoning? For sure, we do not know.  

I know my ideas will not be accepted by all. Readers may think, my line of thought lacks all solutions to problems created by religions. I know the educated agree with me. So, I will not give up my work. The calling of the people will push me forward.

Few people, manage to create awareness, to remove ignorance, falsehood and acquaint people, to see the sight of truth. So, do not discredit their role, nor find yourselves in a quandary. Truth, after all, makes the mind work in the right direction. Once we decide to come out from our conditioned mindsets, only then, we can understand the state of our true being, and the reality of the world around us. 

Therefore, let us free ourselves from all belief systems, and refuse to follow them, and discover our own way that suits us. We must endear to be good. When we seek thru personal experience and follow our inner voice, then obviously, this brings its own reward.

We are not the individual we were some time ago, we are always growing, so experience, don’t stop, move on, that’s what life is all about. Higher evolution is not a human endeavor, the laws of nature are forever evolving to take us to the level of our optimum ability and adaptation.

So, keep the doors and windows open, let fresh air and light enter. Who can testify truth? When laws of nature are seen there is truth, truth reveals the everlasting, rest all is error. Remember, there is a difference between knowing our life and living our life.

The virtues of spirituality are unconditional love and service to humanity. Only spiritual traditions can shape a meaningful human life, so let us work on it. Spirituality is not the highest goal. Spirituality is just better than religions. Like wisdom is better than wealth. Wealth is the root of vices, wisdom the source of virtues, so a life lived for higher spiritual ideals, and for the benefit of others, is truly a life worth living.


Source: Creative Awareness Trust (CAT)      


Izuchukwu Emeam PhD

Lecturer in Philosophy, Educational Psychology and Sociology

5 年

The statement "I know that I know nothing" is the foundation of highest level of knowledge which is wisdom. Self-consciousness of ignorance is a springboard for pursuit of true knowledge that is wisdom. It spurs into search for knowledge for the sake of Knowlegde. The desire for pure wisdom sets human spirit on the same path of Prometheus unbound.

Thrineshwara M R

COO and Director at Bauplechain Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

5 年

"I know that I know nothing" - implies there is a knower inside to tell this. The presence of a knower may indicate the presence of knowledge and hence it may contradict the meaning of 'nothing'. So, one must be in astate of 'knowing' always, which means , there is no recording of any experience and hence no knowledge is generated or stored and everything is discarded then and there itself. Only the awareness of the present moment remains, which is a 'present continuity', neither the past nor the future.?


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