I Was That Kid
Were you the kid the other kids always picked last for their team? Or worse yet, were you the kid sometimes left out altogether? On the bench, on the sidelines, head down, defeated, and all you wanted to do was be one of the guys. And you couldn't even cry about the heart pain or the other kids would make you feel even worse.
I was that kid. Smaller, younger, and slower than my grade school peers, I was often chosen last or left off the team. And even when I did compete, my mistakes were singled out for ridicule by the opposing team and even my own teammates. This devastated a sensitive 7 yr. old boy and negatively impacted my fragile self-esteem for decades.
If only someone would have helped me in my earlier years to master the basic sports skills that would have helped me to compete with my peers, to at least somewhat level the playgrounds of my childhood.
That would have made a truly amazing difference in my formative years AND, I bet, a higher place in line on the eternal pecking order of childhood!
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Coach Mike's Play Camps
"Our Kids Come (in) 1st"