I just turned 32 and want to have a new beginning. I am a mess. What advice will you give me?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: "Awaken thou who sleepest and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light". What does that mean? It means that "when Christ, the Spirit of God, enters into your individual consciousness, the world, your life experience, has a new beginning". In other words, until you, we, awaken to the truth that the kingdom of God is within us, our lives are lived in vain. Only when the world is new, when we have "left our nets", when we have left the antiquated way of thinking of our human ego-self, and replaced it with our spiritual way of thinking, can you, we, experience and be governed by that infinite Something. "Seek ye first that inner kingdom within and then goodness, a new beginning, will follow" because in the consciousness of God there is no "I am a mess".
The allness, the presence and power, of God is already established in individual consciousness and that is why we are admonished to awaken now to the Truth which is that if you know there is nothing present but the presence of God because of omnipresence, and you know there is no power but the power of God because of omnipotence, then that Truth is your sufficiency in all things and you are free to live in the harmony of God's being. And so it is that the only demonstration you have to make is the consciousness of the Truth because in thy Presence is fullness of Life.