"I Just Listened."?

"I Just Listened."

During the last quarter mile of a 3-mile run is the last place you’d expect to meet a toga wrapped male in brown sandals and wearing enough beads to break a camel’s neck. He showed up alongside of me as I was slowing the pace of my breathing to something normal. I assumed the typical quiet I enjoy at the end of my run was about to be interrupted and that I should expect something out of the ordinary.

“You don’t seem surprised to see me,” he started.

“I’ve seen Animal House several times, I get the whole toga thing.” I replied. “I assume there’s something on your mind, so what’s up?”

“I was once a highly admired guru of sorts with a large flock of followers.” He gazed up at the clear sky and then back at me. “There was a time when my followers would have thanked me for this beautiful day.”

Figuring I could endure this conversation for a quarter of a mile, I let my curiosity lead the way. “So, how does one assemble a group of followers who are willing to thank you for a beautiful day?”

He smiled. “A strong, and sometimes misguided need to believe in something when they don’t believe in themselves. For a small fee, and some well phrased wisdom, I provide that option.”

“A small fee?” I asked, “Just how small is the fee?”

“All their earthly possessions.” He stopped me from interfering and said, “Don’t worry, they don’t usually have a lot. The real trick is convincing them that I am someone to be admired, followed and obeyed.”

“Care to share your secret?”

“That’s the irony,” he chuckled. “It’s the worst kept secret on the planet and the least practiced.”

“I’m listening.” I said. 

“And with that statement, you have tapped into the secret.” He paused as if getting ready for the big reveal. “I’m just someone who listens. I’ve studied this for a long time and I can tell you that everyone has a story and everyone wants someone to listen to their story, no matter how simple or complex.”

“And let me guess, I said. “You learned this after years of study with some guru master who dwells in a snow encased cave in the middle of a mountain somewhere.”

“Well, that’s what it said on the credentials I had printed, framed and mounted on the wall of my RV.”

“But, you actually learned it..,

“.., tending bar at the ‘Wandering Inn’ in a small town in southern Iowa.”

“That’s where you learned the great guru secret of listening? People just want you to listen to them.”

“You know,” he continued. “I don’t have much of an artists eye. I can’t visually tell the difference between the artistry of one stylist, hairs, nails or eyebrows over another. What I can see if those who spend their time listening to their clients as opposed to trying to out talk them, tend to have more repeat business.”

“I thought when followers become enamored with a guru, it’s because that person is offering them some form of spiritual salvation or access to a wisdom greater than their own. Aren’t you supposed to be helping them answer questions that transcend the universe?”

“Where there are loyal followers to people like me, they are only seeing answers to two questions. They want to know ‘What is the higher purpose of existence and Why doesn’t my life have meaning?”

“But all existence has a purpose, and all life has meaning,” I said. 

“Yes, you know that, your wife knows that both your circle of family and friends know that, which is why you would not be good followers. None of you would have need of me as a listener.”

“How did your followers become so confused?” I asked.

“Now, you’re beginning to see why listening is so important. They know they are confused. They just don’t know what to do about it. So, they seek out people like me. They accept my look of wisdom, turn over their possessions, adhere to unquestioning consent to kiss my feet and then I sit, with folded legs, and I listen.”

“There’s a whole lot of questions I’d ask before kissing anyone’s feet.”

“Which is why people like you are not part of my target market.”

We stopped at the corner where I normally turn to make my way home. “Now that you have disturbed the silent part of my cool down, what did you want?”

“Just wanted you to know that there was never anything special about who I am and what I did when I was here. I created and lived a lifestyle that wasn’t based on anything that was beyond the capability of most people.

“So, you did very little in the salvaging of souls, or the pursuit of higher purpose or guidance that led to a higher plane of existence. You offered nothing powerful that changed their lives?”

He smiled. “I just listened.”


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