“I was just getting back into the swing of things...
Mike Howarth
Making high achieving men unstoppable. Welcome to The Peak Performance Project.
And now we are going into Lockdown, AGAIN!!”
Even for a relatively fit man this situation is 100% not good.
Being able to go to the gym is an important part of people’s health and fitness routine.
We all know that.
Sure you can do home workouts, but it’s not the same.
Especially if you are not sure what to do… It’s like being a beginner again.
Hours looking on YouTube only adds to the confusion and doing banded workouts is total bullsh*t.
“I Should have bought them dumbbells when I had the chance” you say to yourself…
There’s no amount of positive thinking can sort this out!
Stress levels go up, routines goes off to pot and bad habits creep in again… Motivation is on lockdown too.
I get it.
Yes gyms are shutting and yes it looks like we are in it for the long term too.
But also there is scope for looking at what other options there are.
There has to be… It is what it is.
Here’s a few things you can do to keep the gains you’ve got and stop yourself going backwards in body and mind too.
1. Get up early.
Sounds corny right?
Lots of people say when they do eat poorly it can be later in the day… Like 4pm onwards.
Now if you can get a decent morning routine that starts with a workout of some sort… I 100% promise you the rest of the day will be easier, less stressful and more productive too.
Which means that family size bag of crisps will be a heck of a lot easier to resist after you’ve had a productive day and hit your goals too.
You’re not going to want to waste the effort of getting out of bed in the darkness to exercise to blow it all in the evening.
It just wouldn’t make sense.
2. Plan or Prepare your food
We all eat better when we plan ahead.
You don’t have to turn into a chicken and broccoli w*nker thought… Just know what you are going to be eating, when and where.
It gives you one less thing to think of.
Keep it simple… Protein, veg, some complex carbs.
3. Look at your exercise as part of a wider plan of success.
If you think of why you exercise in the first place and the benefits you get from it you will find it easier to prioritise and stick to.
After all none of us want more stress, low energy or to be getting out of breath walking up the stairs.
One more thing…
I know sometimes we can throw our toys out of the pram when something is taken away from us but the sooner we snap out of this together the better.
If you want access to my L.E.A.D. model I created for clients to keep them on track and hitting their goals at this time reach out today I will email you a free copy.
On your side