I just found out I am Creative. What?Next?
Hey there! So, you’ve recently had that “a-ha” moment where you realized you possess a creative spark. I know that feeling all too well — trust me, your head must be swirling with a mix of excitement and questions. That’s completely natural. Let’s dive into the whirlwind of emotions and challenges that typically accompany this transformative realization.
Imagine living a life without fully grasping your unique talents, strengths, and even your vulnerabilities. Then, suddenly, circumstances converge, and you begin to see the outlines of your abilities in clearer focus. This revelation hits hard — regardless of your age. Whether you’re 25, 35, 45, or even 60, the impact of recognizing your creativity is profound. Our individual timelines and stories might differ, but the journey is equally powerful.
For me, this awakening arrived around the tumultuous year of 2021, during the COVID era. It’s fascinating how such realizations can stem from hitting rock bottom, facing a life-threatening situation, or navigating significant life changes.
Let’s talk about one of the initial emotions that accompanies this revelation — grief. “Why grief?” you may wonder. Consider this: before this creative epiphany, you were essentially living a life without acknowledging this vital aspect of yourself. Picture a lion pretending to be a sheep. The words of Steve Jobs resonate here: “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
But, as the lion discovers its true identity, it doesn’t immediately start roaring and prowling. Instead, there’s a roller coaster of emotions — surprise, confusion, shock, and above all, grief. It’s not uncommon for this phase to catch you off guard. You might think that once you recognize your creativity, you’d jump into your creative journey with enthusiasm. However, the transition from a consumer mindset to a creator’s mindset isn’t as smooth as it seems. Your ideologies, personality, and even your relationships might experience shifts.
I can relate — I used to be a people-pleaser until I embraced my role as a creator. This transition triggers changes on multiple fronts — physical, emotional, and more. It’s a mixture of fear and beauty, bitterness and sweetness — a compelling start to a new chapter.
Embracing Grief
Let’s delve into the concept of grief. Traditionally, grief is a response to loss, often related to losing someone. In this context, it’s like losing your former self to welcome a truer version. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross outlined five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Denial Stage
During the Denial Stage, you start questioning past decisions and moments when you bypassed opportunities to express your creativity. You might find yourself revisiting old photos — singing on stage, playing the guitar, painting — activities that once defined you. It’s natural to ask what went wrong, why you didn’t chase your dreams, and why you sidelined what you were naturally gifted at. These questions are valid. But instead of placing blame, focus on taking full ownership of your choices and forging a new path.
Anger is the second stage, where you might blame yourself or others — the family, friends, or colleagues who may have influenced your decisions. This frustration can stem from the need for validation. Redirecting this anger outward is common, but it’s vital to avoid self-destructive behaviors and hold external factors responsible.
The Bargaining Stage involves consciously avoiding the sources of grief. Imagine being stuck in an unfulfilling job for years, realizing your true passion requires significant change. People in this stage sidestep their creativity, suppressing their uniqueness and strengths. This path often leads to unhappiness and stagnation, as the fear of taking responsibility and changing course becomes a roadblock.
Enter the “D-phase,” or Depression. At this point, sadness washes over you, triggered by past decisions and missed opportunities. It’s understandable — life could have been different with intentional choices. People react differently — some grow silent, lose interest in hobbies, or neglect their well-being.
Remember, the duration of each stage varies — it’s a unique journey for everyone.
The final stage, Acceptance, is about embracing responsibility and looking ahead with intention. Positive self-talk becomes your ally — you remind yourself that it’s okay, you can move forward, and you can’t change the past. With this acceptance comes newfound confidence, derived from a deeper connection with yourself.
Navigating the Path Forward
So, what comes next? Uncertainty and the unknown. It might sound daunting, but here’s a quote by Mary Jane Oliver: “Uncertainty and the unknown are the raw materials for the artist.” Yes, you’re an artist, a creator. Embrace the void, get comfortable with the uncharted territories. Forge a path — it’s yours to create.