"I was just following orders"

Today I took my daughter to Subway, Her and I just started going for lunch at least once a week, it’s been fucking beautiful.

Today we decided to walk up to the subway it’s maybe a 10 minute walk from where we live, so we started walking and we’re just chatting about each other‘s lives

We get to the subway and to my surprise there’s a lineup maybe five or six people outside the door

Every single person has a mask on their face except for Kamila and I

“Well, this is gonna be awkward” I thought to myself

I haven’t really been one for the face masks since they’re inception and the mandated by-laws

And for the most part I’ve only been denied service once or twice.

Anyways back to my story, Kamila and I stand in line we’re outside for maybe 20 or 25 minutes but today nobody said anything

One by one we saw people leaving the subway with their lunch and their mask and then one by one the people in the lineup would enter the store

Kamila looks at me and says “daddy how come we have to wait outside?“

“Oh sweetheart they’re just following the silly Rules from Covid” I respond to her

She’s actually asking a great question - why are we all participating in this??

We eventually get inside the subway and we’re still not wearing a mask we order our food no one says anything at all, everyone continues to wear their mask, and we leave

Now, I’m actually really happy that I was able to walk inside the subway with no mask order my food and leave being 100% unbothered

But right after we left the subway I thought to myself “how does any of this make sense”

You you see I’m connected to a lot of people in Texas, and their mask mandates have been terminated, people in Texas are no longer wearing masks

So the question that I find I ask myself, is if they’re not wearing masks and they seem to be doing just fine then how the hell am we being expected to continue wearing masks until the end of the year?

It opened up a second question that I wanted to ask when this whole thing started I remember being bombarded with videos of people from Italy who were really doing a good job at selling this disease

So this whole thing began with a fear push and then we all complied but then it quickly became not about fear but about social justice and community morale and political correctness

I watch that slowly morph into people just submitting to the mask by law because they don’t want to get a ticket, or simply just wearing the mask because they’re too insecure to walk into a place without the mask and be the odd man out

It raises a very interesting question, how many things do you do in a day that makes literally no sense that you’ve just been repeating and repeating and repeating because a “authority” told you that that’s what would make you a good person?

I need you to really think about this, because it’s actually mind blowing

It makes me think of the people who spend the majority of their week doing things are not proud of, but go to church on Sundays and tell them selves that they’re good folks

It makes me think of the absent father who somehow finds the time to be around on Christmas and other holidays so he’s in the pictures to keep up that image

It makes me think of the person who is working a job that they hate and has a dream that they’re just refusing to chase because no one around them would cosign it

Guys… This shit is starting to make me sick

Back to the masks, so after being convinced and coerced to wear them, it seems that now the majority of a “1st world country“ is literally sitting around and waiting for instructions

The majority of “first world countries“ civilizations, most of which spouting some post secondary rhetoric, most of which have had access to the Internet for the last 20 years, most of which have been conditioned and programmed to spend their time on the information highway

Are literally sitting in their house wearing a mask, and truly don’t understand why, and to make things even worse there’s data that completely contradicts the narrative they’ve been sold, but because they’re so insecure them selves they won’t look at the data let alone try to conclude on their own about it

Even after realizing that the initial threat that got everyone to comply, has been deemed false and contrived and exaggerated, we still just sit around and wait for instruction

Now, is that something that you’d be proud of if you saw your child doing it?

“I was just following orders“ where have you heard that before?

It’s our duty as free civilians in this free country to break laws if they are unjust

It’s our duty as leaders of the next generation to show the kids how to think instead of programming them with what to think

You feel me?

Kids always fail to listen to their parents, but they never fail to emulate them

If you can’t look in the mirror and be proud of the way you’ve been behaving, then you know it’s time to make a fucking change

If you read this far, thank you, and take this as your next step - take an inventory of every single thing you do today and ask yourself honestly “why the fuck do I still do this“

I’ve done this exercise a couple of times, my mentor calls this “operating with intention“

I for one won’t be the person who teaches my daughter to comply to bullshit, I will not be the one who teaches her and shows her what it’s like to just follow instructions, I want my children to be self governing, I want the people around me to be freethinking, and therefore that’s what the fuck I need to become

Don’t be a poor role model for the kids, they deserve better

Like with everything else in this life…

The Choice Is Yours ?? 


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