"I just don't get millennials"
Last night I had a discussion with someone who said "I just don't get millennials".
I almost fell over.
I'm hoping this was a huge generalization, but I still cannot believe it was said. And yet to me! A millennial who entered the workforce only 6 months ago.
I looked at him said "Millennials are just people".
A discussion then began about how millennials expect so much from their workplace. I agree that there are endless articles out there about organizations with free lunches, maid services, napping pods, etc. I'm assuming this gentleman was insinuating that millennials want all of these perks and more.
Oh how wrong he is.
Do you know what everyone from my graduating class wants? A job. It doesn't even have to pay that well as long as we can say we have somewhere to be between the hours of 9-5 each day. It doesn't even have to be relative to our degree! Millennials are happy to have employment after school because this puts us ahead of many of our classmates. So yes... lunches are fun and napping at work sounds like a cool idea, but at the end of the day I am most grateful to have a place of employment that accepts me and lets me contribute in a meaningful way.
His next argument was "I have nothing to talk to them about".
Do you watch the news? Do you watch sports? Have you seen a movie in the last... I don't know... 20 years? Have you experienced the weather today? There is always something to talk about! As I said earlier, millennials are people too. So unless you are socially awkward and cannot maintain a conversation with anyone, then I have no idea what the problem may be.
So for anyone who feels as if they "don't get" millennials, let me break it down for you in a few simple points:
- We want to contribute, and even more so if we know our contributions are being valued.
- We DO NOT expect amazing org perks. Although org perks are sweet, but I'm sure any generation can second me on that.
- We want to succeed - so help us get there. We do have long term plans in our heads so taking the time to career path with us means more than you can probably imagine.
- We DO NOT appreciate being singled out as millennials in the workplace. We are an employee, just like everyone else at the company, and we deserve the same respect that every generation is being given.
I honestly believe any member of a team should be valued and appreciated. I mean I haven't been working for that long... but I know that my experience working on a team where my coworkers and manager have taken the time to "get me" has made for a wonderful experience. I only hope all millennials have the same fortunate opportunity that I have had!
HCM Solution Consultant
9 年Bravo Hailey!
9 年Bingo Hailey McGrath!!!
Educator, ADC, Endo, SDA, PACU, SDC
9 年People who say that Hailey need to be asked why are you still working and staying in a job til your 70??? Bad financial planning? No friends to hang out with! I happen to think milenials are awesome at work and at home!!!!