I just did it!

I just did it!

Hello, my LinkedIn family! I hope everyone is fine and dandy.

I finally did it! I'm now officially a Content Creator on LinkedIn. And the narcissistic me uploaded my selfie for this article (or post).

So, I'll be writing original content consistently henceforth (well, I'll try my best). I'll share my proverbial PhD journey at the Aston Business School, Aston University in Birmingham, England, the UK (or Great Britain). I'll e-pen my thoughts about life and such - you know - what goes on in my mind, if anything is going on.

I'll attempt to create a newsletter. I'll share my (lived) experience and expertise on issues that matter most to me, and hopefully, to you all as well. For instance, I'm an advocate for mental health awareness and education. I'm also big on my rediscovery of things that make me content and happy, things not seen, if you know what I'm alluding to.

Everything that has to do with these words - digital, advertising, marketing, social, theory, to mention a few - will be explored, either superficially or in-depth with critical thinking. Topics that are most likely related to my PhD thesis may also be shared. Of course, I'll share anything else that will help monetize (or monetise, in British spelling) my content.

Can't wait to get started! But I'm leaving for Alaska on Wednesday (today is Saturday), and I'm panic-packing! I enjoy traveling, but I get extra anxious when I'm packing. Valium, anyone? I'll be working as a sockeye salmon processor in a super remote fishing plant in Alaska. I'll be working 12-to-16-hour back-to-back shifts for 6 to 8 weeks. I'll need a lot of mental toughness and pancreatic fortitude to be able to accomplish this mission.

Unfortunately, I won't have access to WiFi/Internet - that's how remote I'll be - so I'm gonna be incommunicado for a bit. But as soon as I'm back, and get back on track with what I need to do for my PhD (I'm blessed to have excellent supervisors - Dr. Panos Petridis and Dr. Ahmad Beltagui), I'll continue with this LinkedIn adventure.

If you haven't already, please hit the ''like,'' ''comment,'' ''share,'' ''subscribe,'' ''notify,'' and all the buttons on display. Help me make some money for sharing amazing and extra titillating content with you here on the professional networking channel - LinkedIn.

Hey now, let's not be grinchy!




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