I invite you to reflect...
On January 20, the Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius ushering in a new focus for the next 30 days. Whenever the Sun, our biggest luminary, moves into a new sign, a different aspect of our life is illuminated, and we are invited to explore how the energy of the sign is showing up in our lives.?
During the first Celestial Archetypes workshop last Saturday, we unpacked the archetypes associated with each sign of the zodiac and discussed how each archetype has a healthy expression as well as an unhealthy expression (shadow side). We also discussed how to move from an archetypal shadow to a resourced archetypal expression. (If you want to know more, then consider registering for the next Celestial Archetypes workshop on January 25 or scheduling a coaching session with me.)
It feels significant to explore the archetypes associated with Aquarius, not only because the Sun moves into the sign soon, but also because this energetic shift is happening on the day that we honor the life of Martin Luther King - a man who exemplifies Aquarian energy. (Fun fact: today is Dr. King’s birthday!)
Even though the symbol for the sign is the Water Bearer, Aquarius is an air sign. Air signs, in general, rule mental activity, and depending where the air sign falls in the cycle, determines the quality or type of mental activity it embodies. Since Aquarius occurs in the middle of winter or in the last quarter of the hero’s journey cycle, the mental activity in which this sign excels is big picture thinking. Which makes sense: a hero, at the end of her journey, needs to have the ability to hold a vision for her community.
Often referred to as The Visionary, The Genius, The Humanitarian, or The Revolutionary, the key characteristics of the Aquarian archetypes are someone who prioritizes the truth over conformity, who can envision a future heretofore unimagined, and who has the stamina to stay the course, even if it means exile - someone like Dr. Martin Luther King.
Dr. King, who had a dream “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed,” exemplifies Aquarian energy. He worked tirelessly for a future in which everyone, no matter the color of their skin, was treated equally and respectfully. Dr. King remained true to what he believed, even when his beliefs made him unpopular, in particular his opinions about the Vietnam War, and even when his life was threatened. (He was murdered by a racist.)
This upcoming Sunday, when the sun moves into Aquarius, I invite you to reflect on Dr. King’s unwavering commitment to social and economic justice and then ask yourself:?
How do I want to embody Aquarian energy this winter?
Give yourself permission to dream big. Listen for your truth. And then ask yourself:
What do I need in order to sustain my vision, my dream?
If I may make one recommendation… identify sustainable practices that include being in community. Dr. King did not act alone. He was surrounded by people who believed similarly and supported his dream that one day “little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”
On January 20, let’s dream about a future in which love, kindness, respect, and compassion are the rule - not the exception, and on January 21, let’s take steps to make that a reality.?
Wishing everyone a beautiful week.?
Kim Bushore-Maki is a soul-driven entrepreneur who understands the undeniable urge to create a business and a life filled with meaning and purpose. Her vision of opening a center where people could heal and grow led her to open Shakti in the Mountains in Johnson City, Tennessee: a place where the creative, feminine energy is nurtured and valued.
Kim is a licensed professional counselor and a yoga teacher. She completed the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy program as well as the Shake Your Soul Yoga Dance program. Kim is very interested in somatic expressive therapy, archetypal psychology, gardening, herbalism, astrology, wisdom traditions, and regenerative economics.
Kim continues to build and to support inclusive, vibrant communities. She spends most of her time mentoring leaders, guiding healing programs, and providing mental health counseling.
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