I hope to launch my book in Sept. as I turn 50 this year

Finally Home

April 24, 2018 (Tuesday) PCA after office until I finish

Today I felt like I needed to start my 2nd book entitled “Finally Home”.

This book should be released by September of this year since I will be turning 50years old on my birthday. (September 11, 1968)

This is in the very day Gloria revealed that Zen might just have Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease which could be due to Parkinsons Disease. In which only 3 of us out of 8 in the family have it. And so I started my research on all 3 diseases. And as I found out yes it can be true. So I am dedicating this 2nd book of mine to us 3 PD sisterakas.

It’s been also two (2) weeks since I was sued by Mr. Willy Tee Ten for Estafa. And it was my sister Zen, and my youngest Amanda, who was 3rd of 3 kids, and Kuya Eddie – 3 people who helped me with this mess. Kudos to you and may God shower you more with wealth, for it was not easy to loan away money just like that.

I hope to finish this book before I lose my thought and grasp on things and events. Just like what was revealed to me today. In which I am so grateful of knowing all these through FB.

My first book “A JOURNEY TO LIFE” - was released around 2003 when I celebrated my 35th birthday and successfully graduated from OCCI. It was not much of a book for anyone who had PD. It was more like a semi-autobiographical book written as a goal to a life class. And since that was under time pressure it was released only to my classmates in OCCI.

 This book will specially be for my 3Angels namely : Ances, AA and Amanda Navarro Umali. Maybe also to my extended family Alan, his new wife, and Stephen - their baby.

 Today is a day of survival.


Let us take a flashback on things why this had to be written? Why is the title FINALLY HOME?

It is a little bit desperate when one thinks of home as a resting place. As for me FINALLY HOME only means I am one with my thoughts, words and action.

It only means PEACE.

Home is where we actually give birth to our God-given talents, and traits.

It only means IN-SYNC.

It is where one gives birth to his/her own desires.

It only means being FREE.

Basically for me HOME is tantamount to saying I am at peace, in-sync and free - with myself.

SO, when I say finally home I am simply saying you are ONE with what it is that you chose to do in life.

Are you at peace? Are you in-sync with your inner self? Are you free to express yourself?

Well, I certainly hope that you are, because no amount of coaching or even wealth can make anyone contented until one is in-sync with one’s inner self.

Does that make sense at all? Okay let us put it this way. Let us say a kid wants ice cream and you give her a doll. That kid may stop crying but that doesn’t mean that she is contented. Eventually that kid, given the right trigger, will still want an ice cream.


Hopefully you get the grasp of what I am trying to drive at.

I can give you tons of examples but the purest sense of this is that one may get something else and may stop crying just because he/she was pacified.

Even you as adults for example a rich man was owed by an average lady 135K but he actually own 135B worth of businesses. Will he let go of that debt? Hell NO! Okay so the person who owes money learns her lesson by maybe being sued by the rich man. Maybe it’s a hard way of learning a lesson, but thank God for people like him, who never lets down on his rich guards otherwise the ordinary lady no matter how hard she learned the lesson in life, might never learn. Sometimes it takes a nodging for one to really really see and learn the lesson.

Remember : what you do knowingly or unknowingly will always boomerang at you.ipn

Morale here is that never ever underestimate roles that God puts into people.

YOU all play an important role in a play called LIFE. So watch it carefully until you get HOME.


When was the last time you remembered that you wanted something so bad?

Let us take for instance a girl wants a car. Then she can’t afford one just yet and so she would wait until she can afford it, meaning she will save for it? Now the time comes she can afford to buy the kind, colour and model of car she wanted. Will she be satisfied? Of course, yes!

But if a girl wants a car and she never waits for her money to be the amount of money she needed for a car? Will she ever be satisfied? Of course not!

There you go, realistically you have to face the fact that one will never be contented. So let’s see and just face the fact and figure it out. So how does one stop pacifying ones urges or desires.

Let us just avoid some vicious cycle going round and around.

Some would say “humility”. Maybe humbling oneself would not hurt so bad huh? Just maybe get down into your deepest thoughts and ask yourself.

1.    How much is it that I have

2.    How much can I afford

3.    How much am I expected to keep

4.    Ask yourself what is it that you really want?

And as expected of course you are the only one who would know the answers to all these questions? Right?

Let us answer these questions one by one. If a car costs 1M and you only have say 10% of 1M then your income is not consistent anymore. Not to mention you are no longer young? And say all other aspects covered. You saved up for insurance, for emergency etc. Should you buy a car?

My suggestion is be true to yourself. Check the following in all honesty and truthfulness:

1.    How much do you earn

2.    Until when are you earning this much

3.    How much are you ready to spend

4.    Do you have any savings, if so how much?

Now this is just a simple exercise, and if you want to succeed in this lifetime just go ahead and do it. And carefully study how you spend and where?

IF THIS FAILS??? I guess you just have to do it over and over again.

Don’t ever care or be conscious of what others say, if you think you’ve done all steps in this chapter and weighed all pros and cons of the situation. Then Go!!!

But don’t wait for moments when you will just count all the money you have lost on useless spendings such as shoes, clothes, makeup, worst is if you spend on putting out down payments on condominiums, or vehicles, then in the end you loss these stuffs or not use it at all. Because not paying it in full, doesn’t mean anything. Right? I see most of you nodding in agreement.

It is quite simple how to live life to your utmost potential. Let’s try to do this daily. Ponder on your own life first. What have you achieved so far? Like things or events can start coming back now. Welcome these thoughts but do not entertain it in a way that you will let them stay. Just try and see the lessons learned from these events in your life. It is okay. Does these thoughts bring back old emotions, memories, facts, now maybe even the truth, so if it makes you cry? Go ahead and cry or if it makes you laugh go ahead and laugh but don’t linger there. Make sure you go inside and talk to the inner child in you and get to the bottom if it. Solutions are handy, you just have to be aware of them.

Sometimes people get stuck in this stage. Wherein they stay stuck in an event or incident of their lives. Meaning some of them are choosing to stay sometime in their history. Don’t do this to your lives, unless maybe this part of your past is something really really worth getting stuck at. But how could anyone like to get stuck anywhere. Whether it is a financial or civil status. Somehow moving forward will be just a little scary but just go ahead and move forward.

Do not pacify an incident beautiful or ugly by choosing to stay in that particular event. Do I make sense?

A lot of you living today in this day and age are PACIFIERS. Why? Because we see it as a simpler and easier thing to do. Oh all and behold it seems like it is but truth of the matter is some people get so drowned into this realm that they don’t even feel they are trapped in this. I believe it is what others call insane or they’ve just lost the sense of differentiating reality to imagination or even hallucination. Sad but true. So all I am saying is that we can all snap out of this state if we are ever in this state or do you even know you are in this state of consciousness.

It is a bit easier to pacify yourselves with things created by you and you alone can also understand yourselves.

But believe me it is a lot more beautiful to surpass all difficulties than just snapping out of it. I just want to make it clear to everyone that my life wasn’t at all smooth nor perfect in the beginning. I am a divorcee from a man who hurt me, forgot my birthdays, and womanizes and says he loves me? Then the dumbo in me remarried one more time thinking the USA was a land of greener pastures. And this time I married a man of no value, none for self, none for other moreso none for family. You see, at that time there wasn’t any changes marrying in 1988 and in 1999. Clearly, I just remarried without learning. I grew 10 years after without learning. I wouldn’t say I am perfectly knowing now but at least I am perfectly more aware now.

But as I enjoined the journey of life I walked through all these pacifiers. So whatever it is you are learning here from me are all experienced by none other than me.

Oh I did these things without any thought, without analysing anything even seeing the pros and cons. NONE

Well after coaching a lot of individuals and companies even having my own personal experiences about these things. I have gone to realize that we need to go through this stage. Meaning pacifying other things bad to good, good to better then better to best stages of our lives. If we stay sane enough to go through these stages then great. If we stay conscious enough and can remind ourselves hay enough is enough. Reading this book maybe can help you because it helped me a lot. Now I am almost turning 50 and I believe it’s my time to shine.

Without fear I am facing my challenges in life. With excitement I face today.

If you notice I will face only today, there is no yesterday as far as I know and there is no tomorrow yet. So why should I even bother myself right now. When there is only now. And just as this moment is a handful to carry on its own. Like now as I am writing this book so this is the only thing that matters to me right now. As for you reading it and go through the lessons that I teach here should be the only thing that matters. Gone are the multi-taskers or multi-doers you see they either end up having high blood pressure or even die of stroke.


I hope I have made myself clear in the previous chapter about the pros and cons of pacifiers.

Let us now move forward by discussing HERE and NOW. What does it exactly mean? Remember in the earlier chapter I mentioned something about multi-taskers and multi-doers?

Okay these are the people who never valued the people or events happening HERE and NOW. Ask them about how much they wanted to save for the future; they will have an answer. Ask them about how they plan to see the future; how they wanted to be seen in the future; however what is not yet seen they will plan for. But isn’t this the saddest part or saddest people you know?

I believe they are because everything they are doing is not about what is HERE and NOW. It’s always about what is there in the future, what is there for tomorrow. Something that they cannot feel and touch. No matter what, we are never sure of that, right? As anyone we never know when our time is up.

However if you live for HERE and NOW, you see everything growing because you are present. You always make it work for yourself first before a mother, before a father, before a sister, before a brother more so before a grandma or grandpa, before a daughter or a son. And being HERE AND NOW it is not being selfish if we do or look at things this way.

Imagine how can one be a good mother, a good daughter, a good sister, a good in-law, a good friend by not being able to see oneself first. Meaning? We have to see first, feel it first and experience it first before we can give it to another. But maybe you’re asking why can’t I experience all that from another. Oh well that could be a bonus, meaning you can experience that from another. But think of it this way who knows exactly what you want? You right. So, if anyone takes care of you, will just be big bonus.

Or maybe just maybe this other one has done this to himself, loved himself, respected himself and totally known himself that is why he can throw you bits and pieces of himself so that you can get to yourself as well.

HERE and NOW can even eliminate diseases and ailments. Because you don’t even have to worry about what you will eat, wear or even say to whom and when? Right? Does it make sense?

Well okay I certainly hope so.

Okay I will sight another example. Let’s say someone has sued you for say money issues. You cannot foresee tomorrow by simply going to jail without a fight, right? Neither can you foresee just going free and flying with your head up high, right? Therefore no matter what pain it brings, one has to face this music, one has to file bail then face the jury and go to the hearing then there is no saying you never tried? Right?

The only way HERE and NOW will work if you make yourself available. If you don’t second guess. If you don’t allow the simple cliché of let fate handle that without you fighting for what you believe in is right? If you just let others handle your situation without knowing the end result? Is this clear enough? Is this fair enough? Will this make you ponder on how you are living your life? Have you put value into incidents of your life? And of other lives as well?

HERE and NOW matters a lot due to the very recent events in life. One cannot overly cry over things that cannot controlled, neither can one overly jump for joy over things one is not completely aware of.

What am I saying here?

I cannot cry over a case I am facing on Friday because it is only Wednesday. I cannot jump for joy over my Egnatium Coaching due to : we haven’t really started yet. I hope these things make sense.

But how can someone keep herself busy with while waiting for some things to happen: is maybe prepare his lawyer, in this case with mind and body all set for this is already tomorrow. As far as the coaching is concerned maybe read some books related to Tony Robins, Eckert Tole etc.

HERE and NOW also can help eliminate high blood pressure. One example was when I went to GenSan sometime in 2014, when I met Pacman himself. I was there for the paragliding event. But because I was presently present when I faced Pacman, I wasn’t even thinking I didn’t have a job, no money I was just there to help the paragliders for their 1st ever competition in GenSan. All and behold Sir Pacman saw my hand shaking and he even thought I was nervous. And I told Sir nope nothing gets me into that state. When I told him I had PD and so is my 2 other siblings, he said okay why don’t you get a surgery and install a pacemaker? Oh I said it isn’t cheap and I am currently out of a job right now. It will cost around 2M, right there and then he said okay give me your phone number and account number, the following day right there and then he sent 1M to my account. Okay enough of the famous boxers story, my point being is that I was there right at my HERE and NOW that’s why I believe I was rewarded my 2M for my surgery. Maybe Pacman was instrumental to this, but bottomline is you have to be always there at the moment.

I was 100% present on my HERE and NOW. What do I mean by I was HERE and NOW? Meaning I wasn’t thinking of getting into Pacboy’s mansion, I wasn’t thinking of asking him for donation for me. I was there exactly for my paragliding stint only. Let me put it clearly I was HERE and NOW for the event and I got a bonus.

It all boils down to INTENTIONS.

Let me give you one great example for being HERE and NOW, a few years before Regina Dee died, I was attending her life classes. One day she called my phone and much to my surprise she wanted me to fly with them to Hongkong to take up Michael Hall’s class. Again, it was right there without gliches without a catch it came to me, I remember even falling from my chair when I heard this news.

Again it all boils down to INTENTIONS.

Now, I caught myself pondering on my life. What were my intentions in each of my major eye opening stints. After they donated 2M to my life.

1.    Pacman – thought of getting a job with him as his family coach and failed to do so. Why? Because as I checked now my here and now wasn’t alligned

2.    Regina Dee – thought of making this my career that is why EQAcademy was conceptualized and again failed to do so. Why? Again as I checked  my here and now wasn’t alligned

Now, it made me think what was wrong? HERE and NOW came into me.

1.    I was not made to coach his family because I needed to learn a lot first on my own. I asked myself were my intention clean and clearly for Pacman’s family? Was I ready and equipped to coach all of them? If and when I get a yes I am so sure I will be flying to GenSan right away.

2.    I was not flying with EQA due to Regina wanted me to be active first at IPF? So I shall go back first to IPF. I will start the cycle of life within the IPF family first. I will

WOW!!! Even I am surprised with this revelation. I needed to sit down and write my book until I find these revelations to be true.

I am getting my goosebumps until I realized all these. Imagine I had to be HERE and NOW to gather and realize what were my INTENTIONS.


As many things happening in which intentions are right, having friends old and new ones, in which one could have lost touch for no apparent reasons.

Recalling incidents and events is enough to have awareness in place.

When one is totally aware of what he or she is doing, then I’m geared to believe that his or her intentions world also be clear. I guess it goes without saying that this 2 would go hand in hand with each other.

In everything we say, feel and do? Are you fully aware with what you intended the results would be?

AWARENESS should always be heightened when one is intending to do anything at all. Whether it a simple as going to work. Or taking a shower or whatever it is, the end of the story should be clear to us already. It is so easy to play a make believe video player in our head over events and things in our head. Because chances are, the end would justify the means. Example: red will never turn out black in your mind.

Like if one runs away from a debt, there is no way this story will turn out great in the end it will always justify the means.

So being completely aware always that there are consequences to justify its means will always be true.  

INTENTIONS are as important as the actual act that you are doing.

Let us say one wants to pay a debt she owed way back 5years ago. In her head she got away with it already, so whether she did or did not get away with that debt. Fact remains is she really owes money. But point being is back then she got away with it but 5years after its going to run after her, right? Now you see how hard it is, because now presently she is older, not a lot wiser and ever hard up as compared to 5years ago. But my point being that she is now AWARE and she INTENDS to pay what she owes, will make a lot of difference.

AWARENESS of exactly what was happening and what exactly are the consequences of our actions, makes a lot of difference. And nothing happens as an accident in life. And I mean NOTHING happens ACCIDENTALLY.

Okay some funny yet true examples: a vehicular accident happens because either the driver was drunk, was sleepy, was high on drugs. There couldn’t possibly be NO reason at all. You see if the drivers were completely aware of what was happening then no accident would happen.

If one is totally aware with what is intended to result of his actions then all and behold right, no more surprises.

Many people go through a lot of storms before they see the sunlight. But it takes full awareness of our body, mind and soul to be in-sync with our intentions for something to be fulfilled. For something to be well manifested in full-blown something must be revealed.

I’ve noticed that you all have time to think before doing something, right? So you cannot say that you were not aware of it because it’s such a dumb thing to say. It is so easy to observe other people’s flaws and mistakes but you cannot do the same to your own lives. I feel so sorry for people who love to mock and gossip about other people when they haven’t even looked at themselves yet. When we call it observe others, let us first of all make sure you have looked into yourselves first. Before mocking or gossiping about others.

In other words one can be aware of other people’s behaviour but one cannot be perfectly correct for one to have any right to speak anything about anyone.

Example : you saw that your classmates cheats but you never cheated in your life, that doesn’t give you have any right to speak, unless you never stole even 50cents from your mother purse, right? Oh okay, I would say channel it in the right way. Meaning maybe say to the teacher then confess the same to the teacher the same flaw you had let us say in my example, you stole 50cents. All I am saying is no body is perfect, so if you want to come clean? Ask yourself first?

I hope it does make sense that this is really just an easy life to live.

I will give another example of a situation of INTENTIONS AND AWARENESS; lets say a girl had gotten her moms ring from the trash, it doesn’t mean her mom intended or is aware that she is throwing away a precious piece of jewelry. And so she returns it right? And she even made her mother very happy. Whether seen or unseen, known or unknown to others, one must just do what is right at all costs and times.

Again let us always be aware that our intentions will always lead us to an easier path when one follows GOOD INTENTIONS and this can only be fulfilled when one is always FULLY AWARE of what is really good and bad. What is evil and not? What is devious and angelic in motivations? This may sound just a little overboard but in any case one is not aware then it is not hard to go out of our way to study the difference between what is acceptable and what is not.

And it doesn’t matter whether it is small or big item. This makes one a winner in her own rights, whether it is 1M worth or 1centavo worth it’s the same in the eyes of GOD or any human being.

Okay I hope we believe in a God, or a Supreme Being, right?


What do you want to say in this topic? What is it in your conscience?

After discussing about all those topics what does your inner-voice tell you now?

No matter how hard life may seem, no matter what trials are given to you, maybe no matter what your situation is, our inner-voice or conscience should just be dictated upon by your conscientious brain to follow or do what is right and good.

Proven and tested on your life. It doesn’t take long, before getting into something ask your self is this for the good or for the bad?

Will this bring eternal joy or eternal fire?

Don’t know about others but this is quite generic to most people. Some things just kind of gets out of hand. So don’t let it get out of hand. It only takes split seconds to think things over before diving into these things.

It is indeed nice to get into ourselves once in a blue moon. When you close your eyes for today, maybe visualize yourselves and see how well did you do today. Be the judge or yourselves so that when others throw you their own judgement you can proudly look up say you really have no idea do you?

Oh well, sad as it may seem, people cannot know any of you until you let them in. Okay maybe there are instances that you did some foul things but that was only because you knew very little then. What makes things really turn out bad is when you do bad things (steal, lie, kill etc.) with a full awareness. Or maybe you were caught in a hard-up situation.

This is exactly what I am saying it is not so bad to let your inner being know what is going on outside of you. Try it? It’s like conversing with a priest, rabi, pastor or even God and pouring your soul out. 

Inner-voice will never lie to you, it always tells you what you should do, but sometimes you blind and deaf yourselves to what your inner-voice is saying to you. When you get used to deafening and blinding yourselves to it, then it gets kind of hard to decipher when it reveals something true. But there are some of you that gets so pro at this that even they have a hard time telling when it is real and when it is not.

I know a bit scary huh, thus a bit rumbling life to live as well too.

So you should be perfectly aware or knowing of what it is you do. Your conscience will never lie to you, you then should just be watchful of littlest signs of your body. Besides, your body will never lie to you. It will show somewhat little signs like twitches, jerks or even in our voices it might crack or whatever it is, just be very mindful of your own body. It is nice to know our body really really well enough.

One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.

Ponder on this letters and words and meaning? Isn’t it beautiful to simply just go back as a child. Is it humbling or insulting to be compared to a child. If you feel humbled then good, then it only means you can always go back as a child. If you felt insulted, why? There is no point in being insulted for you are not compared to anyone else but you, it is still you. Except you are back in your inner child that means innocent and na?ve, highly forgiving and free spirited.

So now with this knowledge how else can you go wrong as adults, if all you need to do is go back to your very essence, which is your inner child, your soul or your being.

Okay then lets practice and speak to your inner child, tell her or him to watch and guide you at all times. Never to abandon you whatever happens, if she needs to nudge you to make her presence felt give her the permission to do so.

Until you get into that part of yourself you would not know your inner-self.

In awakening your giants or your inner-self all you need to do is detach all other material things and get in touch with your inner-self that is left behind. It simple actually, just think of the most expensive material thing in your closet. Now think of giving it away to someone you don’t know or someone who is really in need. It is funny how you will react to this exercise. Now I really really hope in your heart you can do this.

Now to detach yourself from your earthly belongings might seem tough but trust me as soon you do this, you will probably find it easy to do. And you might just find it a habit to do it every year or even more often than that.

Remember Adam and Eve had nothing when God brought them to life. It is when they started to have something that’s when trouble began.


What are the things you cannot detach from? Why?

If the answer is none then I guess? You’re in a perfect place. You have nothing that you are totally attached too. Or can you please study your conscience and ask yourself why? Browse on your surroundings what if it gets totally ashed away by fire, how would you feel? How will it affect your daily routine? How will it affect your daily sustenance? If the answer is a calm way saying if it is a house that you lost, you will simply rebuild it. But are you totally prepared for it, even financially? Then CONGRATULATIONS you have just declared your perfect well being.

Okay maybe it seems easy, but this is exactly why we need to run a sort of a simulation.

As for example you lost money, tablets, laptops, and precious jewels, you were accused of things but you noticed that you never really moped on it. Well, believe it in a way you are too smart to mope on something that will never get back again. But hopefully this book made you realize that you know now, why all those happened? Not only that it was never going to get back to you anymore, now you are starting to realize that you were detached from all those.

PERFECT you just have to probably meditate on this maybe on a day to day basis. Just 20-30mins a day, either you play a soft music then just keep repeating visions of these precious items now stolen or given away for donation and yet you stay calm and composed, happy and contented, and just is.

I can almost promise you, a perfect result.


Have ever been punished for something wrong you did?

How many times?

With what? Slippers? Belts? And which part of the body was hurt?

Maybe you are finding it hard to believe why I am asking these questions?

Because if you start flashing all that blims and shines in your closet, safe or banks, maybe there will be NO ditching or giving away of these items.

Sad but true. But did you know that reward systems really work?

How do I find my way back home? Where is home? I mentioned earlier that it isn’t the structure or a condo that we are looking for? Right?

1.    Surrendering

2.    Following

3.    Humbling

4.    Accepting


When one surrenders to the divine, one has to fully fully understand that it has to be whole heartedly given up.

Surrendering doesn’t always mean defeat, it could mean that the party you are involved with isn’t that helpful nor supportive. Or it could also mean the other party is simply shrewd.

For instance a person is being jailed for estafa, but in reality her case should be bp22 because of bouncing check due to lack of funds. But this was around 5-6years ago. If the person being sued (let’s call her A) sincerely wants to pay the amount that bounced, and MGM or Nissan (person B) wants to charge her more that the amount that bounced? Can you blame the person A for fighting back?

My point being is that one should have a reason on moments why one is surrendering on such occasion.

Person A already submitted to Person B, and committed to pay person B 135K by say a week from now. And after agreeing in front of a mediation jury here you are rebutting the 135K? What kind of a lawyer are you? Oh yup, know that you were just probably following orders, oh well guess one will just show up on May4 Friday at 9am. Then on June28 830am for the hearing. Guess the Lord is not only teaching a lesson to you or for you, it kind of teaches your opponent a calming lesson as well. It’s not like he doesn’t own businesses like Mini-Cooper, or Rolls Royce etc. But really it is none of our business.

In all tough and fairness the lesson learned in this story, is quite clear, now never to get into any checking account, never to barrow when you cannot pay, never ever trust anyone but yourself. Because in the end it is just your own fair fight and you only bank on family at all times and at all costs.

So upon going home later, you will have to relax maybe meditate then just stay home. You have tickets to watch a movie, go with your mom or whomever and watch any relaxing movie. RELAX and then by Friday face your own tango again, it just might not be too fair for work to suffer so don’t let it get affected.

Again let no one ruffle your peace, no one can get into ones gutt unless you allow them to. It’s like a house of some sort. No one gets inside unless allowed by the owner. Right?

Now just surrender to our highest power all your concerns and be rest assured that all will be well.


Now do you follow instructions such as office time ins and outs, do you follow instructions or orders of superiors, do you follow ultimately rules and regulations anywhere and /or at any given time? If you said YES then all behold that’s a reflection of who you are.

Now if you say NO? Then all and behold there are consequences. There such reprimands as we call them, or punishments if you want to put it that way. There are such what we may call rules and we must abide by it no matter what. Rules and regulations aren’t just created for no apparent reasons. They are there for a very good reason, now disobeying these laws may not make you really a good human being.

If we play a role, say a soldier, we all know characteristics of a soldier right? Thus we should portray this role with 100% accuracy or we will fail to convince the audience. But in acting out a role is like getting into that persona and forgetting our very own. So we totally forget that persona after playing such an act. In getting to our own persona, its simple just the truth, just be honest and just being real is more than enough to show the whole world.


Enough is enough of what is going around you. Let us deal with what is going on inside of you. Okay humility is one of the hardest traits ever to come out of anyone. Why? Due to denials. Some would probably be because of their current status in life. Some might be due to their former status in life. Or some are simply blinded, this is such a beautiful topic especially if one already went through some sort of denial in character denial of a loved one etc.

The way to go through this HUMBLING experience is to go back to the child within you.

Imagine you were say 3 years old and everything being done to you right now, at 3years old. Right at this very moment, how will you react. Maybe you cannot even phantom the thought of these things being done to you. But if you were say given the chance of getting 2M for your pacemaker, maybe 1M to become a life coach, the jobs you are in, like right now your role in PCA, the opportunity given by Egnatium Learning okay think of all the other stuff you took for granted, and how do you want to pay it forward.

Oh my!!! Beautiful and rewarding not to mention it is indeed free, or simply given to you on a plate. Ok now it is quite very humbling to simply say THANK YOU, FORGIVE ME, I AM SO SORRY and I LOVE YOU…. It is something in Hawaii culture, done when you have to clear once spirit. Something where one wants to just clear something or someone whether the past, present or the future. Actually even in the absence of an offense people just keep saying this back in the day.

It makes one feel even better to just keep on doing this until you are clear. Until one knows all of whom he or she has offended or dealt with wrongly in the past has forgotten and forgiven me. Being clear and humbled this way is absolutely beautiful. Well this may not be for all but one could only wish for all to see the beauty of this exercise. Simply repeating these 4 phrases is absolutely beautiful inside and out.

 Well one can try living on this I LOVE YOU, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I AM SORRY, THANK YOU…………………. promising you results are beyond measure.


One can go without saying that if you say the Hooponopono you accept also being human. Meaning one can make some mistakes as well. But one may also be capable of forgiving and loving people all in the light of simply uttering these phrases.

To be accepting is like being more open to the vibe. The vibe of life. The vibe of luck. The vibe on good fortune. The vibe on love. The vibe will really be a lot clearer. As you simply state these wonderful phrases be rest assured you will get something in return. Whatever you put out is what will definitely come in.

Accept the people God has given you. If they happen to give you a difficult time just think of it, as lessons of life. Whether you are given the opportunity to correct them or not at all simply go say the 4 beautiful phrases to that person or situation. And you will see great and good results.

Accept all that there is and even the ones that are not. Just learn to be open for the world to be more open and accepting to you as well.

It is very very similar to a relationship, if you will not open up to your partner then there is no way your partner can enter, right?

When a person finds nothing or even no one is ever missing in her lock of keys.

When everything is simply in place.

When everyone seems to be in their perspective.

When nothing is ruffling anyone’s peace.

When a place anywhere simply feels like home.

When everybody simply feels like family.

When no one or nothing seems to bother anyone.

When everything is simply happening.

When all things seem to be at a perfect time.

When the world is almost like make believe.

When all things seem to be really beautiful.

When all things seem to be perfect.

When I cannot ask for more except be contented.

When happiness isn’t so hard a state to be in.

When time just stood still.

When I am where I should be. 


Why and how could one finally say he or she is home?


It is when one feels peaceful about the surroundings.

It is when one is in-sync with nature.

It is when one is free to say or do anything it wants to.

BEAUTIFUL isn’t it. I cannot say much except see and feel the beauty of what IS, what was and what is to come.

Life is such an experience of being HOME, don’t you feel at home, wherever it is you maybe.

I just want to finally slumber with my one and only Father in heaven.

I am just beginning to see people’s real colours. The real ugly ones will slowly change away from being ugly. The really honest and patient once will always be pretty. Not only in any human beings eye but most of all in Gods eye.

It is just so painful how many people make it so hard to put one out of the other. What am I trying to say? Simple I just don’t know how one can be hard on another. And I wish God is always listening and seeing really what is happening to the world today. How harsh people are becoming over money.

GREED is just eating people up. VANITY is just consuming everyone.

As for me, I just know God sees all these?

I won’t even mope on these for I know in the end that my God is a good and merciful God. That in the end He will see justice. For no one has ever gone unpunished I know that for sure. I will very well rest in peaceful harmony with my soul because I know God watches over me. Not only now, but as always and so it is.

I fear for them actually, the people who are totally unaware of the actions that they do. For this has been said in Gods words:

Hebrews 12:5-7

And you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons “MY SON DO NOT REGARD LIGHTLY THE DISCIPLINE OF THE LORD, NOR FAINT WHEN YOU ARE REPROVED BY HIM, FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD HE DISCIPLINES AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES” It is for discipline that you endure, God deals with you as his sons, for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

Proverbs 3:11-12

My son, do not reject the discipline of the LORD or loathe his reproof, for whom the LORD loves he reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

A few biblical phrases that you would see God is a God that disciplines. In which he cannot go overboard.

Like humbly admitting our mistakes would be great, right? Then on another phase would be reprimanded.

God speaks of GREED this way so let us all be careful:

Luke 12:15

Then he said to them, “watch out be on you guard against all kinds of greed, a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.

Corinthians 6:10

Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

All I am saying is let us always be fair in all our dealings, if it was a rich woman with ex amounts of pesos in her bank then go ahead and suit her for estafa, embezzlement whatever. But my geesh, if a woman is of age already, and just started a job, turned her back on her best friend, just because she owes you doesn’t make her rich, and here you are gallantly asking her to pay 185k, do you have fear of the Lord. Do you have any fear at all? The harshness could be used elsewhere I suppose.

Now reflect on Gods words above and tell me you are being just in dealing with everyone else or are you being mean?

Let me know how you are in dealing with money matters, sexual matters, family matters and personal matters. Mean? Just or Cunning?

If only people can turn back the hands of time and undo everything that they have done? I am so sure you my readers are agreeing with me? Right?

If only people knew better then they won’t have to face the tango that way, right?

But that is exactly why we are all bros and sisses because we are all here to guide and lead each other. Although it is my belief that no way can we guide anyone if we are blinded by gossip or rumors.

Although I have seen a blind guided by another blind. Although it may seem a little strange but truth be told that yes it can be done. But it would be a lot better to be guided by one who sees the way. Right?

What am I saying?

Oh well just reflect how you judge a character, a person, a friend, even a relative? Spend a few moments on this thought. When did you give a hand when it was needed? When did you give something to eat? When did you give something to wear? When did you last give a helping hand?

Ok don’t get me wrong people don’t even have to know about when and where and whom to give these things to.

We don’t even have to be envious of the other. Nor should we be jealous. Sometimes I wonder why the dictionary has created such negative words, right? Otherwise if it was not there then it wouldn’t have even entered our brains.

Okay let us do this as it should really be done.

Let’s do this the right way:

Coaching or teaching ourselves’ the right way.

I simply want you to really be honest?

1.    What is it that you really want to achieve or happen?

2.    Is it doable and realistic to you now?

3.    Is this clearly beneficial first to you, coz everyone/everything else follows?

Coach ; what is it that you really want?

Coachee ; now thinks to him or herself what is that he or she really wants?

It can mean a lot of things, right? So be nice and kind to yourself and really think what is it that you really really want right now?

Coachee ; maybe would say to finish the case with MGM Motor Trading Inc. peacefully by Friday – May 18, 2018 at 930am and with the client okay with 135,000php.

The more specific you are the better. Why? Because the universe or God only gives what is asked off. Exactly what we ask off.


Is it possible / doable or realistic to you now? Let us just say the coachee has exactly that amount?

Or let us just say that the client is asking for 50k more?

First ask what is it for?

Why are you asking for more?

And if the answer really is that you don’t, then you don’t, right?

Now this jumps right back to the third 3rd question? And you would probably even debate on the benefits of this 135,000php.

What good will it do to lie? Noting. Because the coachee does not even have to answer the questions out loud.

Does this make sense? I hope it does.

Today is the day May 18, 2018 822am in like less than 30 minutes. Lets hope against hope today at exactly 10am will be the end of this crazy nightmare.

But I want you to see the lesson here, it is : to not owe money if need be. Go hungry of you need to because nonetheless mercy knows no boundaries. Because even the “filthy rich” ones get very very greedy and ugly when it comes to money? So weather you are dying of a disease or hunger. Never ever barrow again.

One day I saw a girl going out of the justice hall of Quezon City she was crying like a two-year old girl. The good hearted person in me had to ask her why and had to assist her because she was crying incessantly. And so I did and asked the maybe mid-aged lady why she was crying. And she answered willingly, by saying no nothing. It was my fault I owe someone some money. And I got sued for it. But what makes it cruel is that I don’t have a steady job right now. I am 50 years old, and I don’t even have the vehicle they were suing me for. What made it even worse is that they are collecting more than what I owe.

More than 50k than was expected. But what can I do? Right? And so I agreed to pay them an additional 50k until December of this year 2018. I certainly hope this is the end of this shindig.

Moral of the story is never ever barrow something you cannot pay back. Or even barrow something you cannot return.

You may call it whatever but whether he was rich or poor it was his and you are the barrower. So truth be told in this world it is an eye for an eye ; a tooth for a tooth.

Maybe some people may think otherwise but truth be told that what we barrowed should be returned. In some religion or whatever one may call it be told - karma is for real.

Trust me I know.

As a final chapter let me say that my journey is over. Over in a sense that I am now FINALLY HOME. No debt, no offense pending, all there is waiting for me are rewards. Rewards from obeying God, in every earthly sense I know. What do I mean by every earthly sense I know. It simply means I am done with my role as a child of my mom, as a sister, as an auntie, as a cousin, and lastly as a mother.

My daughter asked me last Sunday, Mother’s Day if I am okay being alone, I said no but I am not complete yet for me to find my man. I am paying a debt, I am setting my records straight, I am taking care of my mother. So I believe if all things are in place then I will be able to find my “the one”.

Right now I have streamed it down. And I hope the right man will be the final one. It’s a little tough, but may the right man win. I know with prayers it will be.

Not much to say for now, for my hearing is finally over. Dear God, I thank you a lot for without you I believe I would have lost it. Now its time to put things at its right perspective.

1.    First my condo, which means I need to work the next 10years to pay up.

2.    Next is a hubby, in which I completely leave it upon God to bless me.

3.    Third , is Cubao and momsy I hope she lives to the day I fulfil all these.

As I dream I don’t go for the impossible. I am very and highly realistic. I am only for what I am here for, and what I am good for. I really pray I finally find home in the next few months.

A manifestation of what exactly is HOME for me as I sojourned this thing called life. My winner peg is Yelmas Hernadez whom I would say I met sometime a year ago in a dating site. And now I believe as you read this we are probably settling down here in Manila by the beach. Second is my condo in which I have been paying and I intend to pay in the next 9 or more years to come. Cubao hopefully will be done as a project for the family. As mom grows old, its time she knows her baby girl rests in good hands.

Now I do not intend to right any book again, I do hope this gets to be an inspiration to all you who has not dreamt, or has not planned anything for the future. And nothing ever too late. Because I did mine only on my 50th year alive and I AM FINALLY HOME….




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