I have a Trumpfession
Godwin Ekoriko
CIM ACIM, Communications Specialist at NIHR with expertise in Marketing
Months ago, in what seems like eons now, I wrote about the startling slash unthinkable slash unimaginable idea of Trump becoming the president of the United States of America. Whilst most brushed it away as the stuff of fantasies, I reiterated that the fact that he is in such a position should be a cause of concern. In an unimaginable victory even for the trump camp, he has managed to show that this is the year of surprises. Some people are still reeling from this most of all the Clintons. Trump has managed to break the strangle hold of the democrats and the dynasties which have been ruling slash influencing American politics and the political landscape for decades now.
He has shown that he isn't a has been or an almost won or a running mate. He has given people what some will call hope. Hope that the status quo can be broken, hope that victory can be achieved against all odds. The man considered a farce by many is now head of state. Let that sink I’m for a second. Take a deep breath and let that sink in. What were his odds when he first declared that he will run? What were the odds of BREXIT happening when it was announced? What were the odds of Leicester city winning the premier league? If odds are anything to go by, then this year proves that we cannot predict much as miracles can happen.
When Mr Donald first announced his intentions, he was laughed off similarly to when Kanye West announced his intentions to run for presidency in the near future. Now he is the one laughing all the way to the white house. He has been ridiculed, called names some true, some not. Pitted against women, Hispanics, blacks and other minorities and still won. He was called a failed businessman, a misogynist to a list of other things. There is a success story from his rise to presidency to be learned and a story of being complacent.
The democrats became complacent the same way Labour party on our shores became complacent. As a famous speaker once said “things fail gradually, gradually, gradually and then suddenly”. If the politicians had listened to their people, the same way the politicians here failed to listen to the voice of the students, the workers etc. They would have avoided this collision. But like the titanic, our captains are in a state of denial that there are serious problems. Problems which only female empowerment cannot change. Fundamental issues that have to be addressed and secluding and ostracising the minorities will not make you a better leader but take you on a path to failure in business and in life. Gradually, gradually, gradually and then suddenly. One moment at a time the way Leicester city won the league.