I have a slow metabolism.
Jonny Stannard
Helping ambitious men supercharge their fitness, career, relationships and finances so they can live life on purpose.
Last week I was looking through some notes I made after a large number of applications for a program I ran last year. One of the things asked on the calls was, “What are the obstacles that are stopping you from achieving the results you want?” A couple of answers that cropped up time and time again were, slow metabolism, big boned, bad genetics and a sweet tooth!
Now, some of these reasons may have some validity, but most are pure baloney. The questions you have to ask yourself if you have really struggled to stick to any form of regular exercise or healthy eating plan are this, “What are my stories surrounding losing weight and getting fit?” And, “Are these stories getting me the results I want?”
If the answer to the latter is NO, then it’s time to change your story because it isn’t serving you. Most people keep trying different diets and ‘methods’ without bringing any awareness to their default stories and thought patterns surrounding their body and health. And because of this, they always end up back at square one, often twice as frustrated as when they started out.
There are some ways you can switch your state, and begin to change the story you keep telling yourself.
This, amongst many other things, is something we will cover in the Lean & Light free community which will be open at the end of the week. You can join the party here - https://bit.ly/clubll