I have to SAVE them!
“I take care of others, but no one takes care of me!” This quote’s relevance will show up at the end of this article, so stick around!
How many of you operate from the SAVIOUR mindset as a coach or service provider?
I did when I first started!
I HAD to SAVE my clients!
Otherwise, was I even coaching them right?
Plus wasn’t the whole point of me coaching to help others win?
It was only after a call with @prestonsmiles did I realize that I was a guide, not a saviour. A mindset that I realized came from being a PEOPLE-PLEASER for the better part of my life!
I was so used to saving others, serving them before myself, that I didn’t believe them to be CAPABLE enough to help themselves.
I subconsciously pushed them into a victim mindset, where they couldn’t save or help themselves!
It was also encouraged by the quote mentioned at the start of the caption! If no one came to save me, not even MYSELF, then who would come for them?
?? I had to be the HERO who would help them get out of the sticky situation they found themselves in!
?? I have to FIX them!
?? I was born to SAVE them!
?? But who is to say that they wouldn’t slip back into their old patterns?
?? How can I PREVENT that from happening?
The pressure and stress that these statements and their weight put on us are insurmountable, and they can lead you to burn out pretty quickly.
You are not a saviour but a guide! And that’s okay!
Here’s what you can do to move from Savior to Guide -
I hope this helps!
Before I go, here are some announcements from my world that can get you excited and hyped for the coming week -
Let’s go!!!
P.S. Before you do go, don’t forget to Clap, Share, and Subscribe to this publication and Comment on what parts of the article resonated the most with you!
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Madhurima Sappatti is an amazing Freedom Soul Coach, with an aim to guide changemakers to manage stress so that they don’t burn out. And if they do find themselves in the bonds of Burnout, she guides them towards their version of freedom. The intention, in the end, is to create a sustainable space that will help them grow, expand, and experience Freedom. She brings together inner work, burnout, and spirituality to enable as many people as possible to follow their dreams and passions!