I have a problem and someone else needs to fix it
I met up with an old friend and his wife at the weekend, I have known the couple for more than 25 years and they are both pretty direct with their views. Inevitably conversation turned to Therapy for Kids. How are you getting on in the new business? You must be finding things difficult?
No actually things are great and in any event there is plenty of cross over. What, selling houses has helped you become a good therapist with kids?
Yes, actually. I will give you just one small example. When I was training staff I made it quite plain that they could approach me at any time with a problem but only on the condition that they they were bringing with it at least one potential solution at the same time to discuss.
This same process works well with children as they have to think it through and are empowered to find a solution. Life becomes easier for the adult/parent/teacher and child. Fewer arguments, fewer parents heading to school to complain and fewer teachers being drowned in pupils arguments. The children need to get creative to formulate their own solutions and approach the adults less as they deal effectively with their own problems. The culture of 'I have a problem and someone else needs to fix it' slowly evaporates.
Children I work with often already have the answer but it has been lost in the tangle of the moment. By having them create plans about how they would react in difficult situations they can be better prepared to deal with them in the future.
Often we as adults know about these strategies but have mislaid or forgotten them. This is where I come in I explained!
Visit https://www.aylesburytherapyforkids.co.uk/ or call me 07964 976711