I Have No Power
I HAVE NO POWER! Power resides solely in God.
I cannot create things. Only God can do this.
I cannot make people like me.They either will or they won’t.
I cannot make people love me. They either do or they don’t
I cannot change the world. However, I can change myself.
I cannot expect to be taken serious. because, I haven’t taken my life serious till now.
I cannot expect that which I have not earned. God will decide my rewards.
My life has taught me how weak, inconsistent, selfish, untrustworthy and ignorant I am. I am quite flawed, I am a sinner. With this stated, I must keep trying again and again remembering not to repeat my mistakes. This is the key. Never ever give up trying to improve myself and never ever give into my flaws and temptations.
I have no power! Power resides solely in God and I must remember that. He is my source. The only measure of power which I have is prayer. With prayer there is hope. With humble prayer to Jesus Christ, there is Salvation.
Yes, I have no Power, but through prayer each day to our Lord, I will gain the strength to Repent, changing my thoughts, words and deeds.
God has been patient and generous with me. He has given me experiences and many contrasts to learn and grasp what little I know. For that I thank him and owe him the effort to change.
Change is possible with trust in God!
Prayers are never wasted!