I Have Nothing to Write About...
This is one the biggest complaints I hear from new writers. In reality, you have an enormous amount of life experience and business knowledge.
One very powerful way of tapping into your history is to use a mind map.
A mind map is one of the fastest ways of coming up with new ideas. You place your name in the center and circle it, then let your mind come up with all sorts of ideas represented by the lines radiating out.
The main heading for each idea is at the top of each arm. From there, you can list other ideas as they flash into your mind. The process takes only minutes.
Editing your ideas comes later. As a way of going further, you might want to take one of the ideas you have written down and create a new mind map.
The mind map is extremely effective in revealing all sorts of topics, which you could cover as a writer.
Fortunately, the message is one that I have seen before. LinkedIn has issues with images as the top first image cuts off the top three word rows in the example. Vertical lists in document form tend to allow more freedom, as once you fill wedges in the circular mind map, it becomes more difficult to group related ideas and new ideas. Inserting lines is so much easier and typing is not that much slower than hand writing, but much more readable. This example does show that related ideas should be grouped in some way. In a small group using this kind of tool, a document could use color to identify the originator. I am a strong believer in keeping meeting minutes, for identification and protection of trade secrets. What was tried, but failed, has been proven by recent litigation to be a defendable trade secret. Most meeting rooms have video displays and most laptops have HDMI ports. This comment is only intended to add value to this important and valuable post, not to criticize, as is most if not all of the content added to a mind map.