I have lost the spark of life and don't believe in myself anymore. What should I do?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: You are about to discover the spark of Life that will change your life for ever because Jesus basically said the same thing 2000 years ago and he became the greatest messenger of Truth in the history of mankind. He realized that "I of my own self can do nothing, the Father, Truth, within can do all things". And it is that Truth that you will realize by practicing contemplative meditation of the nature of God that becomes the very essence and substance of your individual being.
When you fill your consciousness with spiritual Truth you will now be connected to the very source of your existence and be God-governed and reborn of the spark of Life. Now the grace of God is your sufficiency in all things, free from the false beliefs of your human ego-self. Now you have a pathway that you may experience, to some degree, this infinite Something and It's mysterious divine influence. Now "the kingdom of God is within you" becomes a living reality and you have access to the allness of God. You have found that which you lost and you have the answer to "what should I do?"