I have no will to live and no motivation to do anything. How can I fix that?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: Stop thinking about what you do not have and think about the abundance of what you do have. First of all, you have the Life of God. And if you have God what more could you want. The Life of God constitutes your very being. Just imagine that the very kingdom, the allness, of God, is within you. You have access to the very source of your existence, the infinite creative divine intelligence of the universe.
Remember that "all that I, the Life of God, have is thine and all that I, the Life of God, am you are". The conscious Presence of God is your will to live, your motivation to do anything. The problems of this human ego-self world do not exist in the Presence, the Kingdom, of God. That is why you need to return, like the prodigal son, to your Father's house by keeping your mind stayed on God and being reborn into your spiritual consciousness.
For it is there that in thy Presence is fullness of life, it is there that you have dominion over your life experience, it is there that when Christ has entered in your world is new, it is there that you of your own self can do nothing but the Father within can do all things, it is there that you have no life of your own to die, it is there that you dwell in the secret place of God, it is there that the grace of God is your sufficiency in all things, and it is there that you may experience to some degree this infinite Presence and It's mysterious divine influence that is embodied in your individual being.