I have an expensive present for you: ME
Vivian Greene
Invest in Love? Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass..It's about learning to Dance in the rain.?Vivian Greene
If you think my success or problems have been big, wait 'till you see my heart.
There are many ways you can Invest in Love? one of my trademarks which is for profit, non profits, and crowdfunding. I'll show you the certificate, for which I thank the government for adding categories, and IP attorney Frank Kubler for filing.
I send autographed copies for donations for various crowdfunding campaigns I endorse on many platforms. I have backed more than a thousand projects ranging from a $1 donation to $25,000 because I believe creatives can create the world we envision, as my quote says "The Art of Living is Giving"
Look at what has been raised even during COVID! Donate today to reach this $45 MILLION DOLLAR GOAL:
I'm still recovering from an accident that had me immobilized and an ID theft, but all the more determined to fix a very broken system of banksters and business. I cannot even access money I've earned, and may be featured in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most copyright infringements of a lifetime. I keep dancing. Love will prevail.
If/when I do an equity deal it has to be better. There are many people I would give stock to for all their underpaid work and volunteering - but as it stands now they would be Taxed on it! Silly!
I bet Mr Wonderful is shuddering in the Shark Tank right now. Well, I am not a shark. I am a giraffe - someone who sticks their neck out for the common good, and I would be glad to help anyone willing to do the same.
I use my IP for my mission - to invest in love and use Money as a Good Energy in the world. Money is like fire. Fire can be used to make electricity, or burn the house and forest down.
I did not choose to go public when I was featured as the rags to riches Millionaire, or when I got wiped out in a hurricane, or even now - at least not the way public companies control creators and often change the very good initial intention or brand. We need to change THE DANCE OF FINANCE - a new domain, offering, and book/movie you can help co-create.
I do not support miserable crooked banks at the heart of drug dealing and sex trafficking. Others wouldn't either IF they were aware of how their money is used. I didn't know about Chase and guns until Jane Fonda's recent video.
Then again, there are people who smoke, do not wear masks, drink too much, drive too fast, and beat their wives. As Gandhi said, "There is enough for everyone's need, but not everyone's greed." It's time for a change.
So if you would like to better the system and our way of life, and have a lot of fun and prosperity while we Dance in the rain, send me a note on how I can help you at [email protected]. or on Linkedin.
We follow up with Fed Ex hard copy (hey, I am 72 and it works for me) so be sure to include address and phone contact. Subscribe. Let's dance!
Vivian Greene's unique fundraising, art, quotes, licensing and events have businesses, non-profits, and crowdfunding campaigns dancing up a storm of prosperity.
?2021 Vivian Greene
Who wants to help me put all my IP and these trademarks in action?
All that is real is seen with the heart.?
Invest in Love?
Legal Lemonade?
Dance Your Dance? --