I Have A Dream!
Barbra Breslauer
Sales, Customer Retention, Social Media, Marketing, Publicist My company is Music Promo BHT which specializes in organic marketing.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. A dream to capture both the necessity for change and the potential for hope in American society.
I have a dream too. I used to have World Changer listed as a job description. I received a lot of phone calls of insurance companies wanting to hire me! Mostly people told me to change or take this down as I would not get a job with this on my LinkedIn profile. They were right! But is a World Changer really looking for a job or a purpose? I listened and I hid it under Honors and Awards not really willing to let my dreams totally fade away. As the New Year is upon us I am reflecting on my career path and how I can make a difference in the world. I was busy tutoring 18 year olds at the age of 12! I have a strange brain and don't think like everyone else. More like Tom Cruise in Rain Man. When everyone else is following a leader off the bridge I'm the one saying, "Why are we doing this? Let's take another path." I am also the person who is as comfortable speaking to the homeless as city officials.
World Changer! What I Love To Do: What I will do anyway: People say do what you love and the money will come.
Dream Life: Listen to good music, help others grow & prosper, spend time on the beach and travel.
*Music….play music in my car really loud and dance and move my hands crazy like while driving.
+++Best part of the day!
*Love being with people.
*Social media….Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google plus. I can’t help myself. I have to check in every several hours. I have to know what is going on and I don’t watch much T.V.
*Helping others, you can’t make me stop this! I will do this even if I get into trouble. Doing what is just and right like in the bible. Speak & Teach the world about Love & Peace.
*Go to museums….love museums…..went to like 30 of them in England and France.
*I like to travel, to explore new places, meet new people from different back grounds and religions. I am a very open person and someone who is easy to talk to.
*Trade shows…My ex and I owned, promoted and financed several a lot of work but also a lot of fun. Liked working with vendors, exhibitors, facility staff, setup crews, lighting crews, electricians, parking crews, banquet managers….you name it. Including Union personnel and the IRS all part of Show promoting.
*Travel Planner….I love planning and traveling, the things to do once you get there…not the actual travel arrangement part which is boring.
*I am very detail oriented and like finding the “correct way”. I see miss information about Gavin DeGraw or the media leaves out recent & good information & it kills me. Do full time careers in the music industry exist that would make me happy?
*Inspirational writer/speaker? Certainly I have been through a lot in my life. Stories like “Unbroken” and Oprah Winfrey’s both have similarities to mine. I am a prolific writer.
* Something with cars: race cars, exotic cars or just beautiful.
*Love animals.
*I am interested in Philanthropy. Fundraising is one of my passions.
I am a customer service expert. Always 100% on secrete shopper evaluations. My stores and employees also received 100% because I encouraged an atmosphere of teamwork. Sometimes this gets me in trouble with management because I "do too much for the customer". My feeling is if you don't go the extra mile your competition will and they will take your customer. I am also, an expert connector...you have a need, I know the person to connect to. That is why I am so good at making things happen for other people.
Sales, Customer Retention, Social Media, Marketing, Publicist My company is Music Promo BHT which specializes in organic marketing.
7 年It is the dreamers, the crazy people of the world that actually make things happen. It is only crazy or undoable until it is done.