Gregg Lyell
Mining and Buying The Best Quality Rough Diamonds in The World, Sierra Leone White and Zimmi Fancy Golden Colored Diamonds
Ok here is another hopefully short article that is an example of what I have been saying for about the last 25 years and yet people still do not listen, especially the sellers that think they are very smart. They can appear smart to some people, or a lot of people it seems, but to knowledgeable people they are just not smart and seem more like amateurs or conmen, take your pick.
Now you may ask what that is and the answer it is the items that you see advertised on the internet as "diamonds" when in fact it is fish tank gravel. What does this have to do with diamonds? Nothing and that is exactly the point. The only thing it is good for is to put in the fish tank above and that is the whole point of the article. When someone offers me "diamonds" I just assume that it is like the above rocks. It means absolutely nothing when they offer me that junk
This is a parcel of "Special " diamonds all over 8 carats. Diamonds are diamonds and rocks are rocks. So when people offer u diamonds, what SHOULD you think? When there are from 5000 to 17,000 grades of rough diamonds, depending on who you listen to, for someone to offer you the word "diamonds" you have to wonder what they are talking about. It should mean to you what it means to me and that is nothing. It means nothing until they clarify what they want.
Here is what I want when someone offers me "diamonds" and you can tell me if you agree or not. I will list them in the next paragraphs and will not go into to much detail as the items are self evident.
How many diamonds? What are the color of them, each one, What is the clarity of each one, What is the size of each one over the melle sizes, What is the clarity of the ones over melle size, and very importantly, what is the shape of each one? (I dont want to hear that crap they are "Sawable/makeable" and the price of them. The price alone will tell you if they are real sellers.
How is that even remotely possible? Since one stone is an 8 sides (Octahedron) and the other is 12 sides (Dodecahedron). So they cannot be a mixture of the two shapes as far as I know. But then there are some sellers there that think a 5ct diamond will give you a 5ct diamond back when cut and polished.
The next thing I want to know is what is the color of all of them INDIVIDUALLY as it is impossible for diamonds of all one color, size or shape will be anywhere but in a Diamond Bourse possibly or at a Tender. I have never been to a Tender or a Bourse but common sense will tell you that unless you are in a totally virgin area/country ( and Salone has not been a virgin area for over 89 years I guess.
They say you could walk along the river and find them on the banks but that is another story for another day. It is very interesting and involves the good ole Britain and all sorts of games played with the locals.)
I want to know the clarity of them each and I dont want to read that they are all D/FL or D/IF (for the bit smarter ones) as that is physically impossible just as it is impossible that all the diamonds they offer are Sawables.
I dont want to be told that all are D color either as it takes several tons of gravel to get a 1 carat D color diamond, and these jokers have dozens of them.
Lastly I dont want to know all the diamonds are from 5 carat to 50 carat and they have ten or fifteen of the 50 carat ones. It is totally not possible but get the greedy, uneducated (:ie Idiots) drooling at the chops and dreaming of all the Rolls Royce's they will buy or new Jetstream jets.
And they will then fall some of the crookmans story about how you can just pay the tax on the diamonds and shipping and they will send you the diamonds and you send the rest of the money to them.
Sounds great but Stevie Wonder should be able to see through that but they dont. Greed+ ignorance of the trade end up one way and that can be ending up in Prison at Pademba Road Prison in Freetown, minus your money you have on you and any diamonds you may have bought.
This is two weeks of mining from koidu Holdings at their Kimberlite pipe in Tonga Field. As you can see there are not that many very large ones and not that many D colors although there may be but you cannot see them. Kono is known for D color diamonds so it likely there are a few there.
It is your choice to choose the right one and I take the one on the right. It is 8000 carats for the Koidu Holding mine in Tonga Field, Sierra Leone. It is a Kimberlite mining operation and has been there a number of years now. I know the one photo is kind of stupid but it makes the point. Know what you are doing or end up with stones like the ones of the left and not the real stones on the right.
Have a good day and I am going to give the scammers a break for a few days. I will be back later and find another topic on the rough diamonds that may interest some of you.