I Have A Confession...
Jacqie Stone
Values-Based Coach w/Faith Foundation I Helping Professionals Set Transformative Goals They Are Motivated to Achieve I Military Spouse
As a coach, I often talk about the importance of creating healthy habits and prioritizing your schedule to focus on what’s most important in your personal and professional life. But I have a confession to make—last Saturday, I didn’t read from The Bible like I normally do, and it truly impacted my day.
When I was saved, I realized the importance of being in God’s Word consistently. It took time, and I started small—just a few days a week. Over time, I built the habit, reading on weekdays and weekends, and it became part of my daily life. But last Saturday, I allowed the busyness of the day to take priority (yikes, it doesn’t feel good to admit that)! I quickly noticed I was a little more on edge than usual and not my best self. It didn’t take long for me to attribute that shift to not spending time in God’s Word that morning.
When I read God's Word daily, I feel more at peace, calm, and grounded in my day. I’m strengthening my spiritual, mental, and emotional muscles. It’s just like going to the gym. There are mornings when my alarm goes off and I really don’t want to go, but every time I push myself to go anyway, I never regret it. I feel energized and ready to show up better for others.
We’re all human, and from time to time, we will slip from our daily disciplines. What matters is taking the time to reflect on how it affects us and getting right back to it the next day, no excuses!
*What are your current daily disciplines or habits that help you show up as your best self?
* Do you spend time with God daily?
*Are you prioritizing your schedule around what’s most important?
* I’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your comments or send me a message!