I hate presenting...
My presentation skills leave a lot to be desired. I have delivered many throughout my career yet still I’m unconfident. I continue to develop and learn and am looking forward to taking part in this upcoming AAE masterclass Presentation Skills for Association Executives in London on 10 July.
I know there are many presentation skills training courses available … How come this masterclass is specifically for association executives, I hear you ask. Well, the model of associations, unlike corporations, is based on governance structures. And because the structure, ethos and purpose of associations differs to corporations, so is the profile of the people who work there and the governing bodies. So it makes sense that in order to present at your best, you are trained by someone with the background knowledge and experience in delivering presentations to association executives and association board members.
Now, the leader in the AAE masterclass is @JohnDScarrott. John is a qualified coach and expert presentation skills trainer. He is a former membership director and has over 20-years’ experience in delivering presentations in the association world. So who better than John, to help us learn how best to improve and become more confident in our presentation skills to our team, peers and our board.