If I had a magic wand ...
Students at the TeenTech Awards Showcase

If I had a magic wand ...

...I'd give schools, students and teachers much more time to think. Tomorrow's World needs clever thinkers, people who can make sense of the noise and bring their creative and critical analysis to personal, national and global issues. It was one of the reasons we set up the TeenTech Award programme over twelve years ago . Schools are now registering for this year's TeenTech Award programme, and I am in awe of those teachers (and home educators) who in the midst of a very crowded curriculum are making time to give young people that space to think.

It's brilliant to see hundreds of schools registering for the third, fourth, fifth ...and in many cases the tenth, eleventh and twelfth time. So if you're a teacher or a home schooling parent/carer, do make sure you register now and take advantage of all the support TeenTech offer. https://teentech.com/awards/stage-1-form/

And don't take my word for it. This is Grace in Year 9 ....

'Teen Tech was an amazing experience for me and I have learnt many new skills, including time management, working as a team and how to use certain apps and online platforms to create our prototype. I’ve also enhanced my critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.

'Getting into the final showcase of TeenTech, was a great feeling, it was so exciting to go to both TeenTech Cardiff Festival and London, for the finals and I made so many new friends as well as getting to see everyone else’s ideas. I had such an amazing time and would do it all over again! Overall, Teen Tech is something that everyone should enter, it is a great experience and who knows, maybe it will help you in the future getting a university place, a job or just open you up to new ideas.'

And a massive thank you if you are one of our amazing supporters and mentors who make the Award programme such a very, very special experience.

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