"I had a dream..." ... Is this the time for a global AI government?
Miguel Acha Gimenez
Life Skills Recovery Worker at East London NHS Foundation Trust
October 2024, this year's BHM is nearly finishing, however, the main news are about conflicts and wars, suffering, etc. Black History Month gives everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture.
When looking at the piramides of population in many countries we see that we have less children and an increasing number of elderly people, which is worrying regarding the future taxes and pensions. The quality of life of the young people, if their salary need to pay for several people who are retired, seems a bit low, comparing with the quality of live from people in previous generations where there were many more working people than retired people.
Prices of properties already seem a difficult topic for young people. Thinking about immigration to cover jobs and pay taxes seem another difficult topic, especially when thinking about the difficulty to access own properties. We also can see a crazy situation in which there are too many scams, crime, etc. (relative deprivation)
I started a website www.miguelacha.com which in the future probably will be the only one which I will keep updating, in which I am focusing on providing information to support families quality of life, as I see many challenges of different types. In this website I have a private area, which is only for myself (in the future I will write an ebook so that people can apply it for themselves), to help me updating information as long as I am getting older, in such a way that it will help me continue thinking creatively and solving problems regardless of losing faculties. Part of this consists on questions that will be adapted to my age and conditions, in which AI can be providing intellectual support to my thinking.
This idea started several years ago, when coming to live in Lonodon and observing some challenges for the elderly, such as scams and others.
Comparing London and Sierra Leone with San Sebastian, I can observe in the street so many differences in terms of age of population. In UK there have been plans to send prisoners to other countries as a way to reduce prison population, which have been very controversial.
When thinking about immigrants in London and San Sebastian, I have observed in San Sebastian a growing population of people coming from South America that help looking after the elderly. In London there are many jobs covered by immigrants and also in San Sebastian there are jobs that are not covered by their own citizens.
Many people who live in San Sebastian or London, besides struggling to survive due to the expensive cost of life in these places, also try to help their families abroad. Some of them are considering spending more time on the countries they are from as they come closer to retirement age. This is an interesting situation in which different aspects such as cost of living, quality of healthcare, family (close family or extended family) and friends as well as leisure activities and quality of life, weather, safety, etc. are considered. And each place has their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, London in winter can be a cold and lonely place for elderly and some immigrants go back to their countries of birth for these winter months, even though they rely on the more developed countries for healthcare and long term stability.
Thinking about immigrants who have been working in London and consider retiring in countries abroad, such as in Africa (at least for some months during the year), there will be different considerations, such as family in each of the countries. Anywhere in the world, when you become older you want to have people you trust around, ideally close family, even though as mentioned below, families have been reducing the number of children and for children might not be easy to support their parents when they become older... and especially very much older when they are working full time.
Going back to the title of the article.... I usually prefer doing my own creative thinking first, before using AI to later improve it or complete it or modify it, while keeping my own perspective. However, I think it could be interesting at a global level to include global data and see what AI suggest to do globally for each government. To think globally (systems thinking) can be complicated for the amount of information, but could AI gather information from many different resources?
It seems to me that there are too much waste and too much suffering, wars, etc. in a time when we all could be thinking globally to improve the quality of life of everybody. Who wants to live in a temporarily rich country that has a lot of potential threats from other countries? How we can all create a better world for every body and for our future generations, even if it take many years to achieve? Sometimes when listen to politics, they look like a reality show in which there is no a real sense of doing something good for the long term.
Could AI increase global productivity (and education, healthcare, quality of life, etc.) reducing inequalities? Could estimulate frugal innovation globally and create sinergies between countries, learning from the best local practices in health care, social care, education, employment, etc. maximising value for money?
AI could combine technical and social innovations from developed and developing countries so that everybody can benefit and at the same time look after the environment.
We can see sometimes individuals that just by themselves have been able to do so much for others. Can AI replicate this and multiply this in education, healthcare, social care, employment, etc.? I wonder if AI coul take also information (ideas) from many interesting YouTube Channels such as Ted Talks.
Could AI become like a bible for governments, so that they don't waste resources looking for temporarily short term solutions but look into the long term? At least they could use it as a guide to make plans and adjust them. Or maybe there could be a global AI government who informs all the other governments so that they can work efficiently together?
This is just a dream when being surrouding by wars...
...but maybe when Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I had a dream..." many people also thought that it was just a dream.
PS By the way Gemini's initial answer to the question "How we can all create a better world for every body and for our future generations, even if it take many years to achieve?" is:
Creating a Better World: A Collective Effort
Creating a better world for everyone is a complex task that requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments. Here are some key areas to focus on:
1. Environmental Sustainability:
2. Social Justice and Equality:
3. Education and Knowledge:
4. Health and Well-being:
5. Global Cooperation:
6. Community Engagement:
Remember, even small actions can make a big difference. By working together and taking steps towards a more sustainable, just, and equitable world, we can create a better future for ourselves and generations to come.
Would you like to discuss any of these points in more detail?
...and to finish, Gemini's initial answer to "How can AI create a global government to improve the world globally?" is:
AI and Global Governance: A Complex Proposition
The idea of AI creating a global government is a fascinating one, but it raises significant ethical, technical, and political challenges.
Here are some potential ways AI could be used to improve global governance, but it's important to note that these are theoretical and would require careful consideration and implementation:
1. Data Analysis and Decision Making:
2. Resource Allocation:
3. Conflict Resolution:
4. Governance Transparency:
However, there are significant concerns to address:
Ultimately, the role of AI in global governance should be carefully considered and implemented with a focus on human values, transparency, and accountability. It's essential to involve diverse stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and civil society, in the development and oversight of AI-powered governance systems.
Would you like to discuss any of these points further, or explore potential challenges and solutions?