I had challenges in exercising due to my...
Testimonial Tuesday!
“I had challenges in exercising due to my immobility. Just completing a squat was near impossible due to pain in my left knee. Ongoing restriction and pain also were present in my low back and right shoulder. Rick, recognizing this condition, spoke to me about a cellular approach which made sense to me. He treated my left knee after a workout one afternoon. This single treatment proved invaluable to my mobility! I noticed almost immediately an increased range of motion and zero pain. I’m ecstatic for the elimination of pain, increased mobility and over 17 pound weight loss that has happened in just 6 weeks!
I found myself in the Emergency Room on January 1st with a kidney infection, and I had to limit my exercising for a few days. I actually thought I had a ruptured disk, because of the intolerable back pain I was experiencing at that moment. A follow-up with my primary care doc suggested the ongoing Degenerative disc disease, Bursitis of bilateral hips, the Sacroiliac joint, and of my right shoulder. She recommended a series of Steroid injections and Physical Therapy. I declined any Steroid injections and PT. My previous experience with these modalities have had very little affects in the past. My treatment for these joint issues has been Tramadol and Meloxicam for the past 8 years, and previous to that mega doses of Ibuprofen. I’m usually controlled fairly well with the synergistic use of these Meds. They allow me to “move”, and go about my day.
Rick worked on my back and hip as he had done before. I wasn’t disappointed!! I’ve had two treatments on my low back/hip, and though I know I need further treatment the results are quite remarkable! The outcome is liberating, I can bend and move with greater flexibility and agility! WOW!!!! It’s so exciting to walk effortlessly with a nice stride and a spring in my step!!!”
- Sally
CONTACT Rick for a Complimentary Consult:
Rick Binder
(858) 707-5606
[email protected]
rickbinder.lifevantage.com {Protandim}