I-GUIDE Winter 2024 Newsletter
Harnessing the geospatial data revolution to tackle pressing sustainability challenges
The next I-GUIDE Summer School Leveraging AI for Environmental Sustainability, will take place August 5-9, 2024 at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)?campus in Boulder, Colorado.
The NSF I-GUIDE proudly hosts an annual Summer School that champions the spirit of Convergence Science. Each year we bring together a group of the next generation of geospatial scientists and scholars for a week of collaborative learning and problem solving. Participants work in small groups, led by an established scholar or data scientist, to tackle projects related to the annual theme. The 2024 Summer School theme is "Leveraging AI for Environmental Sustainability." Rooted in the belief that some of the most pressing societal issues demand a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach, I-GUIDE provides a unique platform for graduate students and early-career scholars to engage with cutting-edge concepts and methodologies.
I-GUIDE is pleased to announce it's 2024 Summer School and invites applications from prospective participants and team leaders.
Call for Participation
I-GUIDE invites graduate students, postdocs, and early-career scholars to apply as participants for the 2024 Summer School. All participant application documents must be received by?Monday, April 1, 2024 at 11:59pm PT. Decisions will be finalized and all applicants will be notified by?Monday, April 22, 2024.
Call for Team Leaders and Project Proposals
NSF I-GUIDE also invites established scholars, academic faculty, and data scientists to apply as team leaders and to submit project proposals for the 2024 Summer School. Project proposals must be received by?Monday, April 8, 2024.
Introducing the UCGIS I-GUIDE 2023-2024 Community Champions
The UCGIS I-GUIDE Community Champions program is a unique opportunity for mid- to late-career scholars and educators passionate about geospatial data science and education. Community Champion cohort members support the expansion and community reach of I-GUIDE's initiatives, fostering innovation in the field of geospatial convergence science in the process.
Champions work on small-scale projects aligned with the program's annual theme which this year focuses on refining and applying the I-GUIDE Convergence Curriculum for Geospatial Data Science. Projects can include creating educational materials, case studies, online workshops, interactive modules, community engagement, and more.
Meet the 2023-2024 Community Champions Cohort
Barbara "Babs" Buttenfield, Professor Emerita with the Department of Geography, 美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 , will be working on the project "Visualizing Uncertainty in Geospatial Data."
Eric Money , Associate Director of Educational Innovation with the Center for Geospatial Analytics at 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 State University, will be working on the project "Case Studies in Convergence: Deconstructing Geospatial Connections to Frame Convergent Problems Across Disciplines."
Don't miss the upcoming I-GUIDE Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability at the 2024 AAG conference! By focusing on innovative cyberGIS and geospatial data science approaches, the symposium will address pressing sustainability challenges such as aging infrastructure, biodiversity loss, and food and water insecurity.
The event will feature paper and panel sessions as well as workshops exploring topics such as cyberGIS advancements, geospatial artificial intelligence, high-performance computing for geographic problem-solving, multiscale mapping and analysis, and the role of geospatial data science in promoting resilience and sustainability among others.
This VCO will present work completed by Team 1 from the 2023 I-GUIDE Summer School. This team analyzed changes in the location and extent of the wildland urban interface (WUI) in the contiguous US (CONUS) from 2000-2020. Using timeseries landcover data and Microsoft’s building footprints this team produced a novel timeseries of WUI interface and intermix maps consistently across CONUS. They then analyzed the changing extent of the WUI to characterize wildfire risk in the context of social vulnerability, providing useful information relevant for emergency planners.
Introduction to CUAHSI Cloud Computing
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 · 1:00pm US Eastern Time
Join I-GUIDE partner institution, the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), for a free introductory webinar on CUAHSI's Cloud Computing services. This webinar will cover gaining access to CUAHSI compute services, launching CUAHSI compute, an introduction to capabilities and functionality, integrations with CUAHSI repositories, the API, the HydroShare Python client, and more. There will be time after the presentation for questions and discussion.
Introduction to HydroShare
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 · 1:00pm US Eastern Time
Join CUAHSI May 14th for an introductory HydroShare Webinar. This webinar will cover sharing, storing, collaborating on, and publishing data in HydroShare. We will also cover HydroShare's integration with?CUAHSI compute services and new and upcoming HydroShare functionality. This webinar is a perfect opportunity to either learn about HydroShare for the first time or to increase your familiarity with new features.
Mapping Science: How GIS Transformed Our View of the World
Article from Science Matters by Margaret Pizer for NSF
35 years ago, a pivotal investment from the U.S. National Science Foundation, helped Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to evolve in to the $28 billion industry it is today, and in the process helped to shape the landscape of scientific applications and interdisciplinary approaches to address societal challenges.
As GIS technology, science, and applications have continued to grow, advances in data science, open science, and artificial intelligence are leading to exciting new frontiers. Shaowen Wang , director of I-GUIDE and professor at the 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 , is interviewed and discusses how technological breakthroughs for working with very large and complex spatial datasets have been instrumental to addressing complex real-world problems, such as understanding geographical differences in access to healthcare during the Covid pandemic, prioritizing infrastructure improvement projects, and assessing the impacts of agriculture on water resources.
I-GUIDE Team Examines the Vulnerability of Dams across the United States
Article from the University of Illinois Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) by Anjali Yedavalli
I-GUIDE's Vulnerability Analysis of Aging Dam Infrastructure project involves interdisciplinary efforts to address the risks posed by aging dams in the face of unpredictable and extreme rainfall patterns due to global climate change. I-GUIDE team members use computational models to identify regions with a high concentration of vulnerable dams, emphasizing the socio-economic dimension of the data. The project aims to inform decision-makers about intervention mechanisms such as repairing, replacing, or removing dams, highlighting the importance of collaboration across various disciplines for effective problem-solving in the context of sustainability and infrastructure resilience.
In the article, Deanna Hence , Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 , and member of the I-GUIDE Executive Team, emphasizes the critical concern for the sustainability of infrastructure in the face of climate change. By highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the Vulnerability Analysis of Aging Dam Infrastructure project, she underscores the importance of I-GUIDE's capacity to bring together experts from various disciplines to comprehensively address the complex challenges associated with aging dams and climate-related risks.
The Fifth National Climate Assessment
Featuring Contributions by I-GUIDE's Deanna Hence
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the United States Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Deanna Hence Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 , and member of the I-GUIDE Executive Team, is a co-author of the chapter on Climate Trends within the Fifth National Climate Assessment.
?Recordings of all keynote talks, plenary talks, and paper talks from the 2023 Forum are now available on the NSF I-GUIDE YouTube Channel.
The latest cutting-edge research and publications from the NSF I-GUIDE Team.
Excited to dive into the NSF I-GUIDE Quarterly Newsletter! ?? Remember, as Seneca once implied - our progress is shaped by our willingness to learn. Let's embrace this journey of discovery together. #LifelongLearning ????