I graduated Law school. Now what?
Rui Caminha
Specialist in Legal Operations, Data Analytics and Legal Design. Founder & CEO at Villa Studio and Juristec+
Get ready for a mighty journey. You are majoring or have just completed a degree in one of humanity's oldest and most traditional fields of knowledge. Over thousands of years, codes, legislations, and jurists have come before you, paving the way for this profession which is so vital to society. Now, the time has come for you to contribute with your achievements and come up with something new, leaving your footprint in this millennial history.
You may be wondering how exactly you are going to " come up with something new" in a career where everything seems to have been said, written, discussed, analyzed, judged, rewritten, re-analyzed, and re-judged a thousand times. You may well be thinking that you have learned in law school that Law is "slow," that in Law " things are different," and that we must follow established "formulas."
In my opinion, this is all just grandstanding attempting to pass itself off as erudition. Genuine knowledge is dynamic, " in tune" with what happens in real life, interdisciplinary, diverse, inclusive, practical, and empathetic, changing people's lives for the better. Very few areas produce such valuable content for people's daily lives as Law does. We live in a " rule-based" society, there is a law or rule for everything, yet these rules are not fully accessible to the average person's understanding. The whole legal process gets hermetic, from its creation, reading, and assessment, with only those versed in Law capable of understanding the law when in fact, it should be available to everyone.
Somehow, I imagine that one common practice has become established whereby the more complicated the system, the more market exclusivity there would be for the initiated. Look, it might be the case, but I don't believe in "deals" meant to privilege some to other people's disadvantages. The world is changing, and things are getting "easier," more intuitive, and more understandable in many ways. We no longer pay late fees for failing to return a DVD on schedule, the chances of getting cheated on a cab ride have dropped a lot, and we now get cash-backs in many apps. The "market" realized that being cool is better than being boring, being simple is better than being difficult, and making things accessible is far better than putting up obstacles.
Don't worry about market stocks in a profession that boasts over 1,000,000.00. That's right! There are more than a million eligible people to practice it, and dozens of thousands more are knocking on the door every month. Be concerned with spotting the best paths, your "blue ocean" amongst the highly competitive legal market ("red ocean").?
So how can you do this? Be open-minded to new ideas. It is breaking paradigms, assuming a transforming purpose. You can follow any of the classic careers, such as lawyers, judges, prosecutors, attorneys, analysts, referees, researchers, professors, etc. while keeping an innovative spirit. You can be a lawyer who presents a different approach to analyzing court results;? or a judge who rules not only in a way that is understandable to lawyers but also to the parties and witnesses. Innovation is not just coming up with a new 12-camera cell phone or a brand new social network. It is, first of all, a state of mind. It is to believe day after day that it is possible to do things differently, to keep going forward.?
Now you might be thinking, "Okay, so far, this article is coming across like a lengthy self-help essay, as in, you can, you are capable, everything is lovely and wonderful. No, not really, but to some extent, yes, if you don't start there, with the conviction that you can, that you are capable, it's unlikely that whatever comes your way will work out very well. Life is hard; facing it with a negative mindset will not help. But, come on. Let's take some realistic steps now on this quest. I will list down below 7 Initiatives that you can apply to launch a transforming legal career:
1. Look for legal innovation material, searching for terms such as legal tech, Law tech, jurimetrics, legal design, visual law, contract automation, legal data science, and BI (legal business intelligence). Stay tuned in to current trends in this market.?
2. Relate some of this material to your personal interests, that is, whatever is more like you. Careful here not to get lost in the ideas. It is key to consider where you stand in your career, what you are doing, and where you want to be. Your short-term horizon is to study for a public exam, so there is no doubt, in this case, there is no easy shortcut; there will be many, many hours of good old-fashioned studying. You are working in a high-volume litigation firm. How about using Jurimetrics to improve your petitions and build management skills through data? Are you positioning yourself in the market? Why not learn your way around canva? Get a "visual law" course and develop a new skill. Avoid doing everything all at once; pick one or two fields that interest you the most, and start shaping your experience from there.?
3. Get specialized! You have found out what you are passionate about; now, take a closer look at the topic. The idea is that you go from being an enthusiast to an expert. The idea here is that you develop an additional skill on your resume, but not just saying that you possess an intermediate English level; and? Microsoft Office skills! I really want to see you say you are a Legal Designer, Visual Lawyer, Legal Data Scientist, Legal Efficiency Manager, etc.
4. Get noticed. Build a contact network. Have you ever heard an American saying that goes, "great minds think alike"? Others like you are also curious, committed, and willing to achieve more and better results through innovative processes and approaches. Look for them! Build your network, join a community of legal data scientists, join a visual law group, and share and receive updates.? Get involved and be a driving force in the movement. 4. Get noticed. Build a contact network. Have you ever heard an American saying that goes, "great minds think alike"? Others like you are also curious, committed, and willing to achieve more and better results through innovative processes and approaches. Look for them! Build your network, join a community of legal data scientists, join a visual law group, and share and receive updates.? Get involved and be a driving force in the movement.
?5. Get hands-on experience. Probably one of the most challenging steps and one of the most significant. You will have to put the new knowledge you have learned into practice. There is no escape: you may spark a fire at first, but it tends to fizzle out if you stick to just talking. So hurry up and develop "practical cases" with your new skills.?
6. Share. You have been solving problems using a new technique that you have learned. You have managed to improve your settlement rates through applied jurimetrics. You have achieved savings in your department through evidence-based decisions collected in your data-driven management. You've designed a successful presentation for a client. Had a visual law brief? Then share the knowledge. You can show your boss, peers, colleagues, and clients just how you are achieving more and better results by applying the knowledge you've learned. You will start to establish yourself as an authority on the subject, becoming a positive reference, and people will remember you when they are looking for creative, resourceful minds.
7. Do not stop. This is just like riding a bicycle: you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling. Go ahead in the search for new knowledge, leave Law a little, enroll in a post-graduate course in financial management, take digital marketing courses or design classes, and be an intersection of learning.
One final tip: stick to your purpose. Not everyone will understand what you are doing or where you want to go. Don't worry! Just go for it because you know what you're doing, and that's all that matters. Welcome to a whole new legal universe.
You are capable of a great deal of innovation in your profession.
Rui Caminha.
Especialista em Transforma??o de Dados | Experiência em Solu??es Data-Driven para Negócios
2 年Excelente material!! Realmente a pós forma??o abre um grande leque de escolhas e dúvidas, hoje encontramos muitos temas quentes que poderiam ser bem explorados, destaco visual design (onde a empresa Villa possui um vasta experiência e sucesso em parcerias) t?o como a área de analytics.