I got my xmas gift sooner than I expected...
Przemyslaw Duchniewicz
MD, MBA, Psychiatrist in training, Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy certified supervisor, teacher and psychotherapist. MBTI I&II, EQ-i 2.0, leadership tools certifying train the trainers
Here what I have just got....
"When Institute of Psycho-Immunology (IPSI) was created in 2004, fascinated by the promises of an ultraliberal market economy, Poland was accelerating its economic vehicle - regardless of social and human costs. One of them was the alarmingly high mortality of men, illustrated by alarming estimates of the life expectancy of the boys born at the time, which gave them a maximum of 40 healthy life years. IPSI with its program to prevent the health effects of stress arose primarily from the need to counteract this dramatic situation. The beginnings of IPSI were difficult, because at that time the development of Polish capitalism, called bloody, interested in our mission of humanizing business, there were few. It wasn't until a few years after starting with our flagship program of the eight competencies needed to manage stress called “the 8 Resilience Practicies” that the first corporate client appeared who decided to launch a real, long-term training process for his employees. Przemek Duchniewicz employed there was the spiritus movens (main inspirer) of this event and oversaw several years of cooperation with that client, developing not only the preventive program of health in his company, but the entire company culture that was created around this program. Thanks to this, eight integrated elements of this program called 8 times O (from first letters in Polish language), namely: 1. Reaction (Odreagowanie) 2. Support within (body awareness) (Oparcie w sobie) 3. Breathing (Oddychanie) 4. Presence (Obecno??) 5. Ability to rest (Odpoczywanie) 6. Ability to say ‘No’ (Odpuszczanie) 7. Taking care of yourself (Opiekowanie si? sob?) and 8. Nutrition (Od?ywianie) - have become practiced elements of the lifestyle of employees of this corporation. Institute of Psycho-Immunology (IPSI) also benefited from cooperation with dr Przemek Duchniewicz on several non-financial levels thanks to his personal essential involvement as a co-leader in the implementation of the project and expert reviewer of our program, which in time made him a competent 8xO workshop trainer and a generous propagator of this method."
Thank you Wojtek - I will keep my work in encouraging others to build resilience. It is and I hope it will be even longer journey together, the more thinking alike people the better world around us.
Occupational Psychologist, Talent Development Consultant, CPC, ELI-MP, Leadership and Performance Coach, Business Facilitator and Trainer
5 年Congrats Przemek! :)
?? Wielcy liderzy. Efektywne zespo?y. Doskona?e rezultaty. Zwyci?ska kultura organizacji. Trener|Mentor|Consultant
5 年Congratulations