Julie Cullen
Helping women who want more from their careers. More Confidence, More Happiness, More Success. If you want more, please get in touch and let's chat. ??
This was what my client said after her interview…
“It went really well, and the job sounded very interesting. However, I think I may be under qualified as it’s £££ and…”
This is what my client said 4 days later…
She was delighted – it was the company she wanted to work for, at a rate higher than expected, and they offered her induction training to plug the skill gap.
How many times do you rule yourself out on the grounds that you’re not experienced enough, don’t have the right skills, are too young or too old etc, etc.
All those negative beliefs spinning round in your head influence your thoughts and decisions.
Never rule yourself out before you even give yourself a chance.
And what about afterwards – do you come out of an interview beating yourself up about what you did or didn’t say?
A few years ago I had a client who was so nervous at her interview. She felt it didn't go very well and was convinced she wouldn't get the job. She couldn't stop beating herself up because she really wanted that job and felt she had blown it.
However she got the job because her CV was full of great experience (and skills that had really impressed, we had practiced what she would say, and she had a connection inside the company who was willing to vouch for her (a great relationship in her network as we spoke about last week)..
She is now having an amazing career with a great company.
Don’t allow your self-doubt and negative chatter get in the way of new opportunities.
PS If you would like help to Build Your Professional Network, sign up for the FREE Training I’ll be delivering next month to help you do that.