I Glory In The Cross
Jesus Loves You!

I Glory In The Cross

I Glory In The Cross

Heavenly Father, come and open these weary eyes that I might see

The awesome price You graciously paid for someone as wicked as me.

In the name of Jesus Christ I proudly now take my stand

Against evil principalities and powers in high places throughout my land.

I am thankful for the armor You have given to me for this day.

The girdle of truth, the breast place of righteousness; thank you I say.

The sandals of peace, the helmet of salvation is mine as I kneel at night to pray.

I lift up the shield of faith and take sword which is the Word of God to fight day by day.

I thank You that Jesus Christ spoiled all principalities and powers on Calvary.

I glory in the cross and the blood that was shed for me.

He made a show of Satan openly and triumphed over his powers for all eternity.

Let there be no ground for Satan to gain a foothold at all against me.

I am thankful that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal for my eyes to see

But mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds of any degree.

I tear down the strongholds of Satan and I smash his plans as I now draw the line.

He has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind.

I glory in the cross and I now cover myself with the blood of the Holy Spirit today.

I yield my life to Jesus and I refuse to be discouraged for that is not God's way.

You are the God of all hope and I will stand upon Your every word.

I claim Victory over all satanic forces and all demons voices heard.

Yes I glory in the cross and God's redeeming love.

I long for the day I will stand beside Him in the heavens above.

I will glory in the cross when this earthly body will suddenly become new.

I will glory in the cross when I walk hand in hand with You.

Written by Sybil Shearin

(c) 7-6-2004

Standing for the Son!


