I give up ! I am Quitting
Confidence building PPTS, celebretiy videos telling how they accomplished something at 75 years , big business barons telling you to be confident, and charging , bio logs about greatest failures converting to heaps of success or slogans preaching DON’T GIVE UP – Your Efforts will not go in vain - NO !NO !NO !NO !NO !NO !
Nothing is going to help, I am done, and I am quitting.
i am looking back, what have I earned ?.... a house, or kids costly education, or a memorable lavish trip , a luxury car NOTHING.
Nothing is there except for few invoices and heavy loans for which the interest to be paid is more than my turnover. So I am right, to quit - this is the time.
Quitting something you daily do is not easy, there are so many repercussions.
Changing your number, address or anything that identifies YOU as YOU won’t be a solution, as YOU cannot hide from you It’s the YOU you need to quit first.
The YOU is very nasty, the lazy YOU,
the unplanned YOU,
the erroneous YOU,
The complacent YOU,
the procrastinating YOU,
the unfriendly YOU,
the Bossy YOU,
the foolish YOU,
the poor in your YOU,
the Shy YOU,
the hypocrite YOU,
the impractical YOU.
To quit these YOU’s you are the right YOU, but how.
Are you ready …I am.. one by one , every day , every moment whenever I get a chance.. I am going to quit MY YOU’s ..
My YOU’s , could be your YOU’s too , so lets jointly quit.
Step 1: LAZY you
More to come ........