I get it NOW!
First, there came the Covid-19 pandemic. Now to the present, the Russia-Ukraine war; which engenders a continuous upgrade in my thought pattern and how I measure up in the world.
Whether I and others of my ilk matter is the subject.
America, especially the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, have shown they do not really care what happens to Africa and Africans. Africa and the Middle East are supposed to be the normal conflict zones as many White voices have mentioned during the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I totally get it now.
If you do a Google search on Africa, you will come across pictures of children, wildlife - you don't get to see thriving pictures of the countries that make up the continent. The narrative depicts a simple and naive people, merely interested in the mundane with a wildlife terrain.
The onus has and will always be always financial gain and a better environment for their citizens.
Thus, the task for all Africans - both leaders and followers, is to grow without their external stimuli. We should recall that the People’s Republic of China was created by Communist leader Mao Zedong in 1949. We have also witnessed the United Arab Emirates miracle that has taken place over the last 20 -30 years.
But do African leaders get it??
No one is going to deliver us from a ditch we dug for ourselves, but us Africans.
This will take intentionality and a determined spirit that most African leaders have not displayed since they fought and got independence from the colonial masters.
The fight today is more mental than physical.?
If ou want to understand racim, listen to this by Peter Oborne.
Will our African leaders sit down (or if they want to stand) and get their thoughts to align with cogent plans towards developing their own countries growing their economies instead of pillaging and waiting for Westernised handouts?
These people do not really care what happens to us.
I get it now, but do our African leaders?