Today you get to choose for yourself to be a positive or negative ripple in this world.


Seriously? This is NOT the quote I want to be writing about today. "Today you get to choose for yourself to be a positive or negative ripple in this world." This was easy to write when I was in a good space. Feeling tired and sick and sick and tired, I am combating the urge to flip off my computer screen right now. 

Here I thought I was doing good by just living by the golden rule 'do no harm', living by the philosophy that just because I'm not at the top of my game doesn't give me the right to be less than kind and respectful to others. Especially because that sabotages my life, sliding me into the dreaded drama triangle, which makes me feel worse - if that is possible.

"Choosing" is such an interesting term. How difficult it is to recognize the power of choice when in the middle of a funk. It certainly doesn't FEEL like a choice at all, whether "to be a positive or negative ripple in this world." But I do recognize having a choice whether to do things that will bring me out of my funk. 

There are two directions I can go to feel better. One direction will make me feel good in the moment, like eating foods that comfort me, calling a friend to complain to, shopping, having a few or more drinks, watching TV, etc. But those and other actions in the same vein often times make me feel worse about myself later. 

Alternatively, I can choose to do something that will make me feel good about myself, like go for a run or a walk by the lake, listen to music that brings me up, reach out to a friend that is in a good place, volunteer to help someone else, read a book that inspires me, HALT and address whether I am Hungry (and eat something that is good for me), Angry (do I need to have a constructive conversation with someone instead of letting it fester?), Lonely (can I reach out to someone who might be feeling even lonelier than I?) or Tired (is it time for a nap?). 

The difference between doing what makes me feel good and makes me feel good about myself is HUGE. It is the difference between becoming the person I want to be and staying stuck in who I keep telling myself I don't want to be. The shift happens right here, right now, while in the funk. Because THAT is the place that I tend to self-sabotage what I say I want for myself. This is where the 'rubber meets the road'. It is easy to make good choices when I am feeling good. Not so easy when I am feeling bad. So, maybe this quote today was written for a time such as this. And maybe I will take heed in these words of wisdom. . . starting with a nap. 

Cheri Neal is a professional speaker, coach and public service professional. Cheri helps people turn adversity into opportunity so that they can live engaged, fulfilling, and prosperous lives. A dynamic speaker and trainer, Cheri mixes a powerfully refreshing blend of education, energy and entertainment, engaging participants with right-on-time concepts for enhancing their lives at work, home and in their communities. Some of her clients include the International Institute for Municipal Clerks Conference, Illinois Municipal League Conference, Lake County Municipal League, Lake County's Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, University of Wisconsin-Parkside and others. To experience the positive benefits that Cheri can bring to your audience visit https://www.CheriNeal.com.


