I Force High Tide So Those Around Me Rise Too

I Force High Tide So Those Around Me Rise Too

Over the last year, I've dedicated some of my writing to convey the importance of self care, and the positive impact of implementing a routine that is unique to our needs. Over the last few months, I've redefined my "self care" "routine," and have created the mandatory must be done routine.

The reason I took this approach is because I think in some ways I have tricked myself to believing self care is optional, and can be done if and when I have the time. The items on the mandatory must be done list are the routine actions I take despite what is on my plate for the week. My list includes:

  1. Weekly chiropractic visits
  2. At 3x per week cycle
  3. Staying Hydrated
  4. Minimum 8 hours of sleep
  5. Knowing my creativity is best in the dark morning hours, I use that time to create
  6. Making Memories with my son everyday

There are many things I do for myself that may seem like I am not doing for others. While that may sound selfish, I don't overlook the fact that while I benefit, so does my team and family. My reality is one I can't ignore. I have limited blood flow to my brain due to scoliosis. Ignoring my weekly visits would have me the fastest highway to chronic illness. Cycling is great exercise, and I really do it because I actually enjoy it and how I feel after. Sleep because: well you can reference my articles from when I wasn't sleeping in order to get caught up on how lack of sleep was one of the easiest ways to put my life in complete disarray.

Creating more than I consume is embed in everything I do. Consuming more than I create helps me to lose track of the inner voice that is mine while maintaining a high level of distraction, and disconnection from my personal and professional life. It is therefore unacceptable.

I will conclude with an example of how me doing my favorite things helped my family this weekend.

On Saturday, my son was up at the usual 6:30AM. We had breakfast by 7AM, and by 7:30AM I was already thinking of all the reasons I needed out of the house. Working from home is great and all, but it does come with a specific itch that has me requiring a change a scenery often. So by 8AM we were dressed, getting in the car, and off for a morning of adventures.

I expected the park to be empty. Every field was packed with a soccer game and parents cheering on their kids. There were babies giggling on the swings, and people just everywhere. I loved to see the kids playing soccer. So did Micah. I've often felt pulled to be the mom driving a big suburban. I imagined my kids and all of our equipment just falling out when the doors opened. When I was a nanny I used to see those moms pull up and think, " I bet its rough wrangling those kids, and all that stuff in the car to make it on time. That will be me one day, and we will most likely be late. I'd smile because if our kids are anything like us, they will over look all the ways they made us late, and simply blame me."

Seeing Micah interested in the games helped me to imagine that we could share that one day, even if we're just cheering on some friends. By 9:45AM I was wrangling my kicking and screaming child out of the stroller, and into the car. Next stop: Library. The summer reading program kickoff was happening, and we were not missing it. I love to read, and so does Micah. Not enrolling him would be a disservice to both of us. Reading helps me to stay tapped into my creativity. Plus the park and the library are two of my favorite places. What could go wrong? Literally nothing.

I picked up every book that was colorful and caught my eye. I picked up one that has thick pages he can turn, and it's all about bugs. Yes, my child loves bugs. Send help. I also picked up some books that emphasize a message of impact that fathers have on their children because when my husband is reading to him at night, I want him to know that while he might not be home and available as much as I am, that he is important too.

When we got in the car to head home for lunch, I asked: "Did you have fun today babe?" With intent he answered "Yes."(which sounded more like yeth because he's got a tiny lisp). To which I responded: "Me too." I got to go to two of my favorite places with my favorite person.

When I put Micah to bed yesterday. He was hugging me tight and crying because he didn't want me to go. I too didn't want the day to end. We'd done so many of our favorite things. I could hold him until he falls asleep, but we all know he'd wake up with a jolt of energy that would have me in tears. The day was too great to end that way.

When he awoke Sunday morning, the first thing he did was go for the pile of books I picked for him. He was also willing to jump through great hoops to get his hands on the bug book. Still gross, but mission accomplished. I needed to get out. I took him to MY favorite places, and the excitement will expand every time he reaches for those books until the time comes to return them.


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