I figured out, what am I missing..
As we know, coronavirus has officially reached 'pandemic' status, IT companies around the globe have asked their employees to work from home. Many of us are working from home for so long for the first time, which definitely means we need to figure out how to stay productive in this 'home office'. We just need to find ways from setting up a good workspace to the way you talk to your team.
It’s been almost a week, since then I am working from home. Initially, I was excited to work from home. But, lately I really miss working at office. I figured out, what am I missing.
- First and foremost my colleagues and manager. There is something in having them nearby you all day. Always ready to help you, give you suggestions, entertain you. Though I can reach out to them through calls, slack or via any other platforms, I really miss them around me. Whether you're working in office or at home, the main key is clear communication with your manager/boss and to know what's exactly expected of you.
- Secondly, I miss PJs and sarcastic one-liners. We have very talented colleagues with a better sense of humor. There is some spirit of fun and laughter when we all are together. And the solution is that we're all connected to each other through our WhatsApp group.
- Last but not the least, the guidance I used to get from my mentor 10 times a day or maybe 100 times a day. Jokes apart, whenever I feel I need a guide, he is always available. I think it is more important than ever to develop a mentoring relationship with someone you can trust. The icing on the cake is I found such a mentor within my organization.
On the whole, I am extremely lucky to be able to do what I love from home in this saddening condition. I totally enjoy all the perks of being at home, but that comes at the cost of lots of lovely things that I already miss now. I'm counting days until I gotta get back to work.