I fell asleep in the 1980s and just woke up.....
Message from Rip-Van-People……...
I fell asleep in the 1980s and just woke up…… and I am horrified with all the things that are wrong with this nation and the western world, and the policies that we have allowed to evolve since I fell asleep....
What is amazing is that we now tolerate a national government that fails to treat its citizens as the prime recipient and beneficiary of its policies. It appears to be more interested in a focus on some nebulous multilateral misplaced set of goals being set by global based organizations and self serving actors, who in many cases have demonstrated zero interest in the well being of our nation and its citizens, and are much more interested in how they can access and hand out our hard earned wealth for free.
This Climate change thing is clearly not an emergency as when its studied at face value in a balanced manner without the religious fanaticism, you see that the facts support only a need for some manageable level of adaption. All these extreme mitigation efforts will serve no useful purpose, but will significantly disrupt our economic well-being and prosperity.
Another thing I noticed…. It looks like we prematurely forced the end of the cold war, and now we have a “geo-political spring back” with the outcome being a new hot war with Russia and Ukraine, with China and the west, and most of the rest of the world getting sucked into a nuclear holocaust unless we are very careful.
Why are we not better managing our national borders, and why are we continuing to allow this massive influx of immigration and refugees to continue. Its clear this process is doing nothing for our national prosperity, and is certainly adversely effecting our productivity, and is fast over-loading the health, education and housing environments that we as citizens have been funding directly or indirectly for most of our lives. Not to mention the struggle to cope with a failed multi-cultural experiment that must stop before we have a massive cultural disconnect.
Our Educational systems are just not serving our citizens, and are now being sold to the highest global bidder with most of our learning resources consumed with teaching someone else’s children how to earn a living, and certainly not enough focus on our citizens ability to be productive and prosperous... well its time to stop and reset on this journey.
I am still trying to fathom all this woke stuff that’s been introduced, as we now are clearly conditioning our youth to become non-productive consumers who are now job-starved, over-educated and under-trained, snowflake, safe-spaced, racially hyper sensitive, sexually deviant, neurotic, drugged-up and suicide-prone. This new over liberalized society we are building is mainly being influenced by our leaders listening far too much to many fringe elements and minority groups in our society, who are also forcing a decline in free speech, and it must be said, common sense!.
Why are we allowing our trade balance to be so out of control via Globalization and being complicit in the mis-management of corporatism. This has created a trade system that operates as a global wealth transfer machine from us to others.
And …. why have we allowed the rank financialization of our economy that has destroyed the delicate balance between capital and labor, and allowed interest rates to be reduced lower than they have been in the last 3000 years to the point that over-borrowing by all facets of the population has out-weighed the contribution toward prudent savings and investments. In fact many investments that do exist end up in economic rent seeking such as escalated real-estate value and other non-productive investment activities.
Its high time we look at the failed policies of globalism and multilateralism, and move toward a reset that places nationalism and citizenship at the center of our real goal of national prosperity for all our existing citizens.
Maybe I will just go back to sleep again……