Let’s all admit, there is no such thing as a perfect job, or perhaps, even a perfect workplace. But, in many instances, your actions and demeanor can dictate how much better or worse your work experience can be. The way you interact with your coworkers, the way you handle stress, and the susceptibility to offer help whenever you have the capacity for it; all these things do influence your personal work environment.?
Obviously, we’re all different people. Our talents, skills, emotional capacity, and social tendencies vary wildly. With that in mind, we come to realize that there’s no ‘right way’ to be at work. But, we all believe that we reap what we sow, right?
What you put out there will often influence what you receive eventually. If you take the time to offer help to coworkers, chances are they’ll at least feel morally obligated to offer help back, should you need it at some point.
Noun. sonder?
(uncountable) (neologism)?
The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
This random vocabulary that apparently has only been around since 2012 actually helps a lot when communicating with people. You know when you get stressed because you’ve got your boss on your ass and your client is asking you for tons of untimely amends, chances are your coworker is feeling the same. While that sounds kind of miserable, at least you have the chance to take a minute, connect to that emotion together, and try to communicate in a way that you both appreciate.?
Would that work with every colleague? Probably not. Would at least work in every workplace? That’s not guaranteed. But, it doesn’t hurt to try. Taking back a couple of steps into our conversation, we get back to realizing that the more effort we put into creating a better working environment for everyone, the better the working environment we’ll end up in.?