I feel hopeless and alone and so lost in life. How do I get out of this?
don carpenter
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Answer: In the entire kingdom of God, there is no such thing as hopelessness. Jesus clearly stated the solution to your problem when he said "the kingdom of God , goodness, is within you" and "if" you "seek first that inner kingdom of the Presence, then goodness, the absence of hopelessness, will follow". It is the absence of God in your life that perpetuates your human ego-self's belief in the presence and power of hopelessness. And so how do you attain the Presence?
Remember the movie "the field of dreams" in which the farmer was told "if you build it, he will come". It was about the building of a baseball field and then a famous deceased baseball player would come. But the secret behind this fictional story is that it was actually an example, a parable, about the creative principle of life and how you, we, can realize our own "field of dreams". And so the answer to your question is "if you build it, He will come".
You must build, develop, a consciousness of God by practicing the Presence of God, by maintaining a constant activity of Truth, by contemplating and meditating on the infinite nature of God, by keeping your mind stayed on the omnipotence, the omnipresence, and the omniscience of God. And then He, that Something, will "come to give you Life and freedom from the discords of this world". Now It leads you beside the still waters and makes you to life down in green pastures. Now "in thy Presence is fullness of joy". Now your world is new for you have built it, and He has come.