I Feel Different

I Feel Different

I feel different.

Ever since I got back from vacation last week.

I've had plenty of shifts throughout this journey as I progress on my path to my future self; the goal achieved me but something is different this time.

Every other shift I've experienced has been specific. Something about my life changed like my reading habit or the way I invest in myself and my future. They've all been very obvious to me in the moment and I knew what was happening.

This time it's fuzzy. Frankly, I didn't even realize that a shift took place until my mastermind call this morning. We were all talking about our wins from the past week and I mentioned that I feel like a new person since I got back - I'm now only realizing the depth of it.

I started working for myself over 5 years ago. Every vacation I've taken since then I haven't fully disconnected from work. Not like this time. I kept journaling and meditating and working on my mind but only about 2 hours of real work the entire week. It was nice. I feel refreshed, relaxed, and focused.

In the begining of the week, I wrote in my journal that something good was going to come out of that trip but I didn't know what. I had inspiration strike at the end of the week and again early this week. I thought that was the something good that I was manifesting.

But holy shit!

That wasn't even the start of it. This is something much bigger.

This isn't a shift like the other ones - just a part of my life. This shift was the whole me. I'm a completely different person. It's subtle, but I can feel it now.

The way I think, act and make decisions. Everything is different. Everything is better. Everything is good.

I am the me I had set out to become

I am already the guy who manifests a million dollars, it just hasn't happened yet. It is done, I'm just waiting to experience it in the now. I can see it as clearly as a fond memory and it feels no different.

As I look back, I became that person the moment I accepted this challenge. The moment I publicly stated my intention and started writing these posts every night.

I still have a long life to live and I'm still in my infancy - I will forever have ambition and will never stop growing. But right now, I am that person. I am all of those versions of myself in a future now.

Join me on this journey...

I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. Follow the Manifest a Million Challenge every Sunday through Thursday night - a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.

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