I Feel For Animals
Meenakshi Mehta
Inside sales Manager at Invoay| Tech Sales Professional/ Sales Engineer/ SaaS/ B2B
Being humans our foremost duty is to act humanely, it’s so unfortunate that animals have always been victims at the hands of human. People do not bother much and turn a blind eye to the plight of animals, who often remain very wary of humans for their cruel treatment .Man has believed that animals are his slaves and has used them accordingly.
We humans cannot even bear a small amount of pain but it’s painfully surprising that how easily we ignore the sufferings of mute creatures. The one who can knowingly hurt animals cannot have the feelings of compassion and kindness for anyone. It’s a sin which only humans are capable of doing. If a person can beat or hurt animals who will not physically hurt anyone unless it’s a matter of survival, who will never hurt anyone emotionally, who will not judge anyone, who will not be jealous of you, who will not betray you, who’s loyalty does not depend upon your social class or bank balance then that person is most criminal minded person who should never be trusted.
Try to feel their Pain
Imagine yourself in their place being analysed upon, being tested on, think how it will feel- your skin being torn away alive, try to picture your arms and legs being cut while still alive, picture yourself being burnt off alive, imagine the surge of fear when you see your mate going for dying or for experiment and waiting for your turn and after all that not even being able to speak out the fear, that hatred, that injustice. Imagine you are chained up all day without food and water, feel those untreated wounds, broken bones and still having to move from one place to another. Yes, it is true that Animals have more capacity then humans to bear pain. But do not take it as that they do not feel it at all. May be it is because they do not have any other option then to bear the pain.
Animals are always exploited for selfish interests of man. Chicken, pigs, buffaloes and many other animals are bred, raised and kept in horrible conditions in farms and meat factories. We need to spread awareness about the rights and this cruelty of mankind to ensure that animals also flourish happily on this planet.
Places where cruelty on Animals can be seen-
· Plight of Animals in Zoo –
The freedom of animals is increasingly being restricted. Zoo is the place where I see only injustice and nothing pleasant. Animals are not meant to be caged. Like every other living beings they also have every right of freedom. Humans are kept in jail for the crimes they do but why Animals are caged. Think about spending your entire life like this, a prisoner, even though you have committed no crime. In zoo there is no proper food and water for animals and visitor also tease them in every possible way. Apart from all of this negligence by the authorities is also seen on lots of occasions. Many animals suffer and die due to these unsustainable conditions in the zoo.
· Experiments over Animals in Laboratories –
Millions of animals are burned, poisoned, forced to undergo painful procedures, and killed in experiments. Animal experiments are cruel, unreliable, and extremely dangerous. Baby animals often separated from their mothers’ shortly after birth and locked inside small, cold cages with hardly any enough room to move around. Sometimes they are forced to undergo scary experiments without any anaesthesia.
· Fur Farms-
Innocent creatures are tortured and beaten until they are finally killed for their pelts. In fur farming young animals are brought into the world so they can later be slaughtered for nothing more than their pelts. In some cases, the slaughtered animals are sent out as food for zoo and other animals. These animals endure unbelievable torture from the moment they’re born and they live all the time in fear. The slaughtering of animals during fur farming operations is often horrific. In some cases, animals are even skinned alive and terrific tools and operations are executed on them.
· Dairy farm-
We are living in the country where cow has given the place of mother, where people worship cow. But I question why these very cows, in the same country, have to go through such a painful process of dairy farming. From the moment they enter into world of dairy farms, cows in the dairy industry suffer their entire lives. Similar as humans, cows produce milk for their offspring; therefore they are forcefully impregnated every year. We have given the status of mother to cow because she has a very strong maternal emotion but in dairy farms there is no place for this emotion. A cow and her offspring have to go through this cycle of cruelty.
After in short while of giving birth, calves are parted from their mother and never meet again. A cow will have to go through this painful process every year of her life. The milk she produces for her calf is instead taken from her and sold to consumers. They live their whole life with this cruelty that ends with their slaughter. After being dragged away from their mothers, calves will spend their life with this cruelty. Moreover to remove an animal’s horns, workers cut them out or burn off delicate tissue and this is done without any anaesthesia. Cows in the dairy industry face the same fate as those in the meat industry. They are valuable assets until they are producing milk. They are killed for meat and skin when their milk production declines. No cow is permitted to live out their natural lifespan.
· Circus –
I wonder how circus meant for entertainment and draws huge crowds. Circus are means for entertainment, I'm stunned how people feel entertained watching animals suffering. How anyone could enjoy while seeing animals perform certain things they are not meant to do naturally due to the fear of painful tools, tricks used to force animals to perform and the constant state of hunger and food deprivation they stay in. No one really bothers about the pitiable state of those animals.
All animals on the earth have the right to live happily without any fear and pain, but some people don’t think so. Animals also feel pain and cry as humans do, but can’t express their grief. Often, animals are neglected, beaten, or forced to struggle for survival. These ever increasing unfair acts against animals are clear evidence of, how inhumanity is increasing day by day.
It ought to be our together humanely duty to become the voice for these loving creatures who can’t speak up for themselves, we should become their voice. We should make it our priority to come together and make sure that our beloved four legged family members are safe and secure. But unfortunately these words are not any moving beyond writing and speaking. Although animals are the creatures that deserve most respect and love. We all accept that they are the only lovers who love us selflessly (P.S.- who is not aware about the loyalty of a dog! ).
I believe that loving such purest souls like animals can change us from inside. Their love has the power to heal pain and sorrow, and even make us more kind towards each other. A person is not trustworthy if he cannot feel the pain of animals. Loving animals is purest part of anyone’s soul.