I can’t be the only one that has said it more than once that I don’t need to go to the dentist, nothing hurts why pay for it.? Dental issues or oral issues can develop at any time, and did you know most medical plans do not cover dental? ?So, what is the importance of dental coverage/insurance and why is it that so many employees are looking for it?? Let’s take a dive into Dental Insurance and the benefits of taking care of your amazing smiles!
According to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association dental insurance provides you with coverage that can save you money and help ensure a healthy mouth.? Brushing, Flossing, and getting regular cleanings for dental insurance can help you save money on dental care, but did you know that dental can also save you money on your health care costs.? Regular dental preventive checkups, even when there is no issue is way that you detect problems early.? Getting regular cleanings can help save on major dental procedures including root Canals, Crowns, or even oral infections.? Most dental plans will offer the preventive services for free; some even offer additional cleanings for pregnant women to help with healthy pregnancy.? Regular dental checkups also lead to Health insurance savings by identifying or preventing major issues that could lead to complications down the road including over 120 diseases that can be spotted by dentist including Diabetes and Heart Health.? ?
According to Guardian Life “The Fifth Annual Guardian Workplace Benefits Study, Dental Benefits: A Bridge to Oral Health & Wellness, released today, finds that employers whose employees regularly use their dental benefits will see fewer claims for major and restorative work, resulting in lower premiums for employers and reduced out-of-pocket costs for employees.”? ?The Study also reveals that access to dental coverage encourages good oral health, which translates into several positive benefits for U.S. workers. Regular trips to the dentist can aid in early detection of potentially serious medical conditions, as more than 90 percent of all systemic diseases produce oral signs and symptoms, according to the Academy of General Dentistry.1
“Good oral health is linked to positive overall health and self-esteem,” said Dr. Randi Tillman, Chief Dental Officer at Guardian. “Regular dental visits can help with certain health needs including managing diabetes, lowering heart disease risk, and contributing to a healthy pregnancy.”
Knowing how much dental can affect your health means everyone must go to the dentist right!? Sadly, this is a not the case, remember when we started, and I said it doesn’t bother me I don’t need dental unless I need go to the dentist.? The Guardian Study also found Millennials including myself are among the least likely to go to the dentist two times a year and many citing reasons they don’t go to the dentist is because of the cost! Four in ten adults have delayed recommended procedures, skipped exams, x-rays and tests in the past year due to higher out-of-pocket costs. These findings suggest that oral health is largely misunderstood and easily taken for granted.? Delta dental also did a study a found that families with dental insurance are twice as likely to get preventive care as those without dental insurance.? In addition, people that develop more complicated problems are even more likely to skip needed treatments due to the cost.? How much can a family really save???? Check out the example below that breaks it into family without insurance and family with dental insurance by Delta Dental.
*Dental service fees are for illustrative purposes only. Premium rates are dependent upon your location and your plan type. See your plan for specific information.
**Preventive coverage may vary.
So now that we talked about how Dental insurance really can be a benefit lets dig into what are dental insurance/Benefits and how do they work.? Most Americans get their dental benefits or dental insurance through their employer about 79% of Americans have some sort of private dental benefit or coverage.? On average more Large Employers offer dental vs small employers with the expectation that those with higher wage workers are more likely to take advantage of dental vs low wage workers.? But did you know that most Medicaid programs only offer dental for minor children.? ?To make sure that you and your employees are making the most of their benefits it may be time to consider dental or evaluate if your employees are getting value out of your dental plan.? Many times, employees may not feel it is worth the value because they may not fully understand how to get the most out of there dental plan.? It is important that you or your employees understand what the restrictions are on dental plan options when you’re choosing what works in your area and people.? A poor placed dental health maintenance plan with no in-network providers would offer no savings to your employees or family.? The same members/family on a UCR program may be a better fit allowing them some savings without the network restrictions.? ?With so many plan options there is something for everyone including Large Employers, Small Employers even individual and Medicare. ??
Dental Benefit Usual, customary, and reasonable" (UCR) programs allow quite a bit of flexibility for members to see the dentist of their choice, these plans pay a set percentage of dentist fees or plan administrators "reasonable" or "customary" fee limit, whichever is less. There is a wide fluctuation and lack of government regulation on how a plan determines its "customary" fee level.? Because of this it can be very important to contact the dentist office and find out what the expected costs could be.?
Dental Benefit Table or schedule of allowance programs provide a list of covered services with an assigned dollar amount. That amount represents just how much the plan will pay for covered services, regardless of the fee charged by the dentist. The difference between the allowed charge and the dentist's fee is billed to you. (This is called balance billing.)
Dental Insurance Preferred Provider Organization these plans come with a list of dentists and other oral health care providers that accept the plan. You may have the option of going out of network, but your out-of-pocket costs will be higher than the costs incurred using an in-network provider.? Most PPO plans when going to an in-network dentist offer little to no copays or coinsurance for preventive services.
Dental health maintenance organization (DHMO) plans provide a network of dentists that accept the plan for a set co-pay, or no fee at all. However, you may not be able to see an out-of-network dentist. If you do, you may have to pay the full amount on your own.
Discount or referral dental plan Private dental insurance is insurance you purchase on your own, and not through an employer. You can purchase private dental insurance directly through a dental insurer, MNsure, or an insurance broker.
Medicare Advantage Plans These dental benefits follow the same structure as network plans and may require you to choose a dental provider within your network.? Some plans may offer a reimbursement option, but most require you see in a network dentist for the full benefit.
?Including Dental Benefits/Insurance plans is a great way to offer a richer benefit with minimal costs to the employer.? Most carriers do not require employers to contribute to the dental plan but can offer a much more appealing plan at a lower rate than those on the individual market. ??When you are picking your employee benefits package health insurance is normally the star of the show.? This makes dental insurance become kind of an afterthought but for many reasons employers and individuals should still consider it an essential part of their overall wellness and health plan.? Some of the major reasons to offer dental include cost savings. ?Most group plans cost much less than an individual plan and offer much richer benefits.? Also, some carriers that offer health, dental, and other benefits may offer a multiline discount.? Dental insurance is also a great way to attract and retain top talent. ?Let’s say you own a roofing company and one of the men you hired for the summer needs some major dental work.? They anticipate the amount of healing time and ongoing work it may take a few months to get everything done.? ??By offering him dental insurance you may retain him even though the competitor is paying a little more per hour.? Due to the upcoming dental costs and knowing he has dental insurance already now waiting periods he elects to stay with you at least until next year to ensure he can get through his dental work.? Dental insurance also can help you build your moral and increase productivity.? Employees who have regular dental cleanings and care are more confident tend to produce more.? Our Smile is normally the first thing people see and if you’re not confident in that it can show.? Plus, if your employees are getting their regular checks, they are less likely to be out for extended periods of major dental procedures and could curve major medical.?
?When we think of dental insurance so many times, we just think of the basics going in and getting a cleaning, having x-rays and other common procedures, or going in because we have a tooth ache.? ?Dental care can be so much more than making sure that you have an attractive smile.? Good overall dental health includes your gums, tongue, tonsils, soft tissues in and around mouth that surrounds it all.? These sensitive areas can be a guide to early warning signs of other health problems.? Not even talking about how your teeth can affect your overall mental health and confidence.? When you are preparing to review your overall health and wellness plans there are many factors that work into your decisions but adding dental insurance to your insurance plans just makes sense for most.? We are ready and happy help with any questions or concerns you may have in health and benefits.? Don’t be shy cause we want to see that SMILE!